
An internal error occurred during: "Processing Dirty Re

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  • #291091 Reply

    Loyal Water

    MyEclipse has been there already on my machine. MyEclipse 6.0.1 is at my c drove C:\Program Files\MyEclipse 6.0.1.why do I need to upgrade to My Eclipse 6.5.1?

    Do I need to uninstall MyEclipse 6.0.1 before upgrading it to 6.5.1?
    Is it possible to uninstall MyEclipse 6.0.1?
    Why do I need to install it in brand new location?

    I wanted you to try upgrading to make sure your install was not giving a problem. Since you cannot install, I would suggest you switch to a new workspace (File > Switch Workspace > Temp), create a new project and check if the issue is reproducible. This could be a workspace related issue.

    You can upgrade to 6.5 directly from 6.0.1
    You can uninstall MyEclipse using the uninstaller if you set it up using the all in one installer.
    I suggested you install to a brand new location just to make sure you don’t install 6.5 over the old installation.

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