- This topic has 30 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 10 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantI have sent the email with my preferences and an empty workspace in which the problems occurs.
Riyad KallaMemberI got it, I’ll take a look later tonight. We’ll get to the bottom of this or die trying!
Riyad KallaMemberOk I can see the behavior on my end. I would also point out that in your log file Eclipse notes that the platform was not properly shut down… so maybe the workspace is corrupted which is why this problem doesn’t occur with a brand new workspace.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantOh! that’s great! At least I’m not alone anymore 😛
Regarding the unproper shutdown of eclipse, it might only be in this “fake” temporary workspace in which I was just trying to solve this issue. Because I’ve just had a look at the other workspaces and could not find such error.
Anyway thanks for having a deeper look at all of this, hope it will be easy to track down!
If you need anything that could help you, you know where to find me! :pThanks!
Riyad KallaMemberOk our developers are swamped right now with 5.0 work, but they did give me the heads up on the actual file that is being changed when you do this. It should be under:
<workspace>\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\com.genuitec.easie.<servername>.prefsare you able to monitor these files to see if they are getting updated? For example, watch the one for WebSphere 6, then go into websphere 6 settings, and change one of the values and hit OK, did the file update? Maybe there is a read-only flag set incorrectly or something like that?
Olivier JaquemetParticipantHi Riyad,
As you asked, I have tried the following things:
– open the websphere6 preferences file in ultra edit
– modify the settings of websphere6
– hit “apply” in the pref window, no change occurs to the file
– hit “ok” or close the pref window, ultra edit informs me of a change, the file is correctly saved and the configuration is properly saved, and “SERVER_ENABLEMENT=true” is correctly removed or added whether I disable or enable it.
– restart eclipse (just in case..), websphere does not appear in the menu
– just open the pref window on the websphere6 zone, without modifying anything and clicking cancel => websphere6 now appears in the menu.So as I had already said in a previous post, no file is write protected, and any configuration change is saved, even the “enable” setting, but it seems it is not properly read.
(You can observe this behaviour in my “flash movie bug report”)…
Riyad KallaMemberOk let’s try this. Shut down MyEclipse, go back to the dir I told you about (the files that you opened with ultra edit) and actually *erase* the .prefs files for each configured app server that is giving you trouble (WebLogic and Websphere I think were the only ones) now restart MyEclipse, and go reconfigure them. Hit OK, are they there? Now restart. Are they there? If they aren’t, tear out a clump of hair for me and I will go back to the dev with this.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantSorry Riyad…
I did as you said:
– shutdown eclipse
– in the .setting folder remove all files “org.genuitec.eclipse.easie.*”
– launch eclipse, configure websphere5 in myeclipse, it appears in the menu, the file is correctly saved
– quit and relaunch eclipse, websphere5 is not in the menu
Riyad KallaMemberJust to recap did a new workspace work with this? I’m at the point of hanging myself from the cieling fan unfortunately 🙁
Olivier JaquemetParticipantHey! don’t hang yourself! you could break the fan! 😆 😳
It did work in a new and empty workspace.
It did not in a new and empty workspace in which I imported my preferences.You previously told me that you had been able to reproduce the problem with the workspace I sent, can’t you give this workspace to your developper for a quick debug of 20min… 🙄
Riyad KallaMemberAbsolutely, I sent it off Friday to the team to look at, but we are really in hard crunch time for 5.0 so this immediately feel to the bottom of the priority stack. I’m just trying to think of things to get you up and running right away cause this is a really frustrating issue.
Olivier JaquemetParticipantThat’s really nice of you Riyad, but don’t worry, as long as I know that someone is having a look at this problem in a short period of time, and that you’ll keep me informed of the evolution, I really don’t mind having this problem a bit more.
Riyad KallaMemberI had an idea. If there is something wrong with your connector settings physically in your preference file, I wonder if that is what is borking them. So I took the pref file you sent me, and ripped out ALL the connector settings for MyEclipse. I’d like you to create a new (yes another) workspace, and import them using the file I just emailed you. Then reconfigure your WebLogic and WebSphere connectors and restart. Are they stlil there? If so, then config your Resin and Tomcat ones, and restart… is everything stll there?
Olivier JaquemetParticipantI tried to import your preferences file in a new empty workspace, reconfiguring all the application server, *it did work*.
So imagine what you had done, I tried that :
– export my preferences from my current non working workspace
– import them in a new empty workspace
– quit the workspace
– remove ALL com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.* file in the settings folders,
– relaunch this new workspace, reconfigure the app server quit and restart, it dit not work…So I wondered what you had done in the preferences file you sent me, so I compared it with the newly exported preferences file from the non working workspace. As expected I saw differences on all entries starting with “/instance/com.genuitec.eclipse.easie.”, and just another small difference:
/instance/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/PLUGINS_NOT_ACTIVATED_ON_STARTUPSo I did quit my non working workspace, edited
the file workspace\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\org.eclipse.ui.workbench.prefs, removed the PLUGINS_NOT_ACTIVATED_ON_STARTUP value.
I did the same thing in the other non working workspace I had, it works too! 😀So the bug is probably this:
When you disable some plugins of MyEclipse, it will not prevent you from configuring them and using them (as they are probably automatically loaded when viewing/checking app server settings), but when restarted, the plugins are properly disabled and the app server menu does not display those app servers.What could be great in a future version of MyEclipse to prevent such errors :
– a check and a warning message when the user enable/configure a feature of myeclipse of which required plugins are disabled in eclipse.
– a way to provide, inside the preferences of my eclipse, a way to enable disable unwanted features (I had done that to reduce the memory footprint and CPU usage that could have been created by letting those feature enabled)We (you) finally found it!
Thanks for your great help Riyad.
Riyad KallaMemberOh thank god! I am really happy to hear it is fixed *and* your detective work on the /instance/org.eclipse.ui.workbench/PLUGINS_NOT_ACTIVATED_ON_STARTUP I sent off to the dev team to establish the connection, thanks again for doing all that work and being so patient.