
Project Deployment does not work anymore

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  • #199801 Reply

    Chris Means

    Project deployment has now stopped working for me too with a web app, for tomcat 4. It’s been working fine since I started using MyEclipse.

    MyEclipse 2.6.3 (just updated recently)
    Eclipse 2.1.1

    I’ll admit, I was tooling around through settings to try and familiarize myself with things a bit more, and I was trying to see if I could find a way to assign a key to start and stop Tomcat from the MyEclipse Perspective.

    I’ve checked the pref_store file in the .plugins/com….deploy.core folder and it seems “fine”, except that I can tell it’s not changing after I’ve changed a .java file. Which I’m thinking it should if the auto deployment stuff was working correctly…right? I’ve deleted the file and the same thing happens.

    One of the big changes that I made was to de-check all the plugins to activate on StartUp under Window/Preferences/Startup…I deselected all the Genuitec entries except Tomcat 4…I’ve checked them all back on now, so if that was the problem, resetting them didn’t help get me back to where I was.

    Any ideas?


    #199802 Reply

    Chris Means

    Oh…I should have been more specific, I’m referring to Auto Deployment…

    When I make a change to a .java or .jsp, with the project deployed, and tomcat running, the next time the class or jsp was accessed, I’d see the change. This is what’s no longer working, a regular manual deployment is working fine.



    #199805 Reply


    Hi Chris,

    Have you confirmed that your auto-build workbench preference is enabled? The
    preference is located at Window menu>Preference>Workbench>”Perform build
    automatically on resource modification”. If this preference is not enabled
    then the workbench will not signal MyEclipse to enable automatic sync’ing of
    deployed apps. For some unknown reason this option will occasionally become
    deselected when making other modifications to the workbench preferences.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199811 Reply

    Chris Means

    Hi Michael,

    Yes, I’ve confirmed that the correct checkbox is checked.

    I see that something does happen (in the status bar) when I turned it off, made a change, saved it, then turned the option on, and clicked apply…however, the running web app didn’t change.


    #199812 Reply

    Chris Means

    I did some further checking…

    The class files are getting changed in the active tomcat WEB-INF/classes folder.

    I also changed a .jsp, and that change WAS reflected immediately.

    Any idea what would stop Tomcat from loading the new class file, given that it had changed (had a new timestamp)?

    Is this controlled from inside Eclipse? I didn’t think it was.


    #199813 Reply


    Any idea what would stop Tomcat from loading the new class file, given that it had changed (had a new timestamp)? Is this controlled from inside Eclipse?

    Neither Eclipse nor MyEclipse control the class reloading behavior of Tomcat. This is a Tomcat configuration option that is typically enabled by default.

    1) Have you made any recent changes to your Tomcat configuration that could affect it?

    2) Try adding a simple POJ and JSP that refs it to your project while deployed and see if Tomcat can pick up the change. What I would like to determine if the behavior can be isolated to dynamic loading of new classes vs reloading a modified class.

    MyEclipse Support

    #199814 Reply

    Chris Means


    I had been working on connecting Apache and Tomcat using mod_jk, but that was will a later version of Tomcat (and in a different folder)…however, I shut Apache down (incase there was still some connectivity over AJP3), but that didn’t change the Tomcat (4.1.27) behavior.


    Sorry, what is a POJ? (I feel ignorant now…)

    #199815 Reply

    Chris Means

    Hi Michael,

    I created a new class, which just performed a System.out.println in it’s constructor. Then called it both from a JSP and my main class. The change in the JSP and main classes were applied within Tomcat, and the new class was there too.

    The JSP worked fine, the new output was visible, so Tomcat did see the new class file, but it still didn’t reload the modified class.


    #199816 Reply


    POJO – plain old java object (I accidentally dropped the last O in my previous msg)

    #199817 Reply

    Chris Means

    I guess I did the right thing without knowing it <g>.

    Still no nirvana yet though.

    #199818 Reply


    Tell me about this modified class? What does this class do and what is it’s structure?

    Also, how do you determine it is not being reloaded by TC (can you set a breakpoint in the class)?

    MyEclipse Support

    #199819 Reply

    Chris Means

    Found the problem.

    I was launching the Tomcat server in Run mode.

    I’ve changed it back to Debug mode, and it’s working like before…jeez!

    Sorry for wasting your time…and mine.

    #199820 Reply


    No problem. I should have thought of this earlier. I’ll add it to my 20-questions list.



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