As we celebrate our recent partnership with EVGET Software Solutions for the distribution of genuine MyEclipse in China, and the upcoming MyEclipse 2015 release, Bob is packing his bags and gearing up for the 2015 OOP Konferenz in Munich Germany Jan. 27-29!
Join Bob and two of Genuitec’s team members, Emanuel Darlea and Anabella Watson, at Booth 6.1 where they’ll be showing off the virtues of Secure Delivery Center and MyEclipse. After you’ve stopped by the booth, be sure to catch Anabella Thursday, Jan 29th during her talk “What your team should know about Eclipse”, as she discusses how Secure Delivery Center can solve software issues that drag teams down.
In fact, Bob wants to see you at OOP so much that he’d like us to share this awesome
Meet Genuitec’s OOP Konferenz Team:
Not a stranger to the technology industry, Emanuel is Genuitec’s product awareness representative for the European market. Emanuel has significant experience with social media, product development/management and real estate. He attended Dawson College and Concordia University in Canada. @edarlea
Anabella is Genuitec’s Secure Delivery Advocate/Technical Support Engineer and Social Media guru. In other words she is Genuitec’s very own know-it-all. She has an Industrial Engineering degree and was working in the manufacturing world where she added technology experience to her pedigree and decided to bring it all together here at Genuitec. Anabella is tri-lingual: English, Spanish and SDC and looks forward to answering your mild to moderate level questions. @anabellawats0n