
application compiles but unable to find libs upon execution

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  • #260077 Reply

    I have included some of the Spring libraries in a project. I included “Spring 1.2 Core LIbraries”, “Spring 1.2 ORM/DAO/Hibernate3 Libraries” and “Spring 1.2 AOP LIbraries”.

    I have been working until this point on the back end database connectivity up until this point. Now my jUnit tests work and I want to connect the front-end (Struts web layer in my app). When I try to run it, I get a NoClassDefFoundError on the org/springframework/beans/factory/BeanFactory object. It compiles just find it’s just not finding the libraries upon execution.

    I’ve done something silly…does anyone where I should start looking?


    #260084 Reply

    Further examination…

    If go to the run icon in the toolbar (green circle with arrow) and drop the list down. Then click run. I can set the classpath at the Tomcat 5.x level there. I notice that in my jRun test (in the ‘run’ configuration) the User Entries section has the project as the default classpath. This is not the case with the Tomcat 5.x application. I can add a user entry but I can not manage to add the Spring libraries I need. I need to make sure that all the stuff in my build path is in my classpath upon deployment of the server so it will find all of the classes that I’ve compiled. What am I missing?


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