
[Closed] IconImages don’t show consistently

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  • #259429 Reply



    I’m using MyEclipse 5.0.1 with Matisse version 4.1.

    I have a JLabel for which I’m setting an Icon. I’m attempting to load it from the classpath, however, the path that works in the designer doesn’t work during runtime and vice-versa.

    The image is called “about.gif” and it exists down the source path in /myproject/src/com/mycompany/project/resource/about.gif, which of course is copied during build to the bin path.

    While in the IconEditor, I click the classpath radio button, but if I enter /com/mycompany/project/resource/about.gif, it fails with the message “Invalid icon value! Probably malformed URL or unknown resource.” Won’t let me save the setting.

    However, if I include the bin in front (i.e. /bin/com/mycompany/project/resource/about.gif) it’s accepted and the image shows up in the designer as expected.

    Of course, during runtime it does not show up b/c of the bin prefix. I can edit the code manually to leave off the /bin prefix, in which case it works during runtime, but it then does not show up in the designer.

    How do I get the image to show up during runtime and design time?



    #259471 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I cannot reproduce this problem. I created a small test project, you can download it from here, please download it and see if it works on your machine then see if you can spot any diferences in how we are doing this.

    #259647 Reply


    Hello Riyad,

    Thanks for your response. I apologize for my late response. The thread update notification went to my Junk mail folder.

    In any case, I tried your test and I get the same problem. The issue is that when I run the program it doesn’t work b/c it can’t find the icon file.

    The problem is that it’s throwing the /src/ in front of the path to the icon. I added using /bin/ but it’s the same issue: It works in the designer, but during runtime it can’t be found, because /src/ is not on the classpath.


    #259675 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I’m going to have to come to the conclusion that there is some installation problem if you open my sample project and instead of getting the same working result I get, end up with broken icon links as it works fine on the two test machines I tried it on.

    It’s extremely strange that it would be broken in such a weird way though.

    #259755 Reply


    Thanks Riyad,

    Well, actually, I’m not sure how it’s working on YOUR machine during runtime! The path to the icon is hardcoded as “/src/com/test/icon/tn_myeclipse.jpg” in the test file that you sent me. During runtime anything there should be accessible as “/com/test/icon/tn_myeclipse.jpg”. In other words, stuff in the /src/ directory should be copied to /bin/. What’s in /bin/ would then be the root of the classpath. Unless I’m thinking about it wrong.

    Oh well, I suppose I’ll get the design right using one path, then change the path for run time. It’ll be a bit of a pain, but I think worth it, given MyEclipse’s other features.

    I have one more question though: I’m trying to add a JPanel-based bean to the palette, and I’ve seen instructions for using a down arrow or pull-down on the Matisse palette, then selecting “Manage Palette” or something of the sort. Problem is, I don’t see a pull-down or get any options for managing the palette. Is there something I need to do to enable this feature?

    BTW, I’m using 5.01 GA.

    Thanks again.

    #259758 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmm, in the palette view, on the top right corner do you see the down arrow? Try expanding the view, I wonder if it’s hidden. Lastly try and run the update manager to make sure you are running the most recent M4M.

    Update: I had gotten so wrapped up in another M4M test project that I didn’t realize I had actually never *run* the project I sent you, I just did design mode and preview mode, You are right, once I ran it, blah, NullPointerException.

    I am filing this as a bug. Thanks for being patient.

    #259782 Reply


    Well, it’s good to know I’m not losing my mind 🙂

    On the Matisse palette, I don’t see the down arrow. Just the minimize/maximize controls.

    Also tried right clicking all over the area (tab, frame, Beans folder) to see if I could get a context-sensitive menu. Unfortunately, no dice.

    The Update manager says there’s no updates available (I just downloaded and installed the Matisse feature a couple of days ago).

    This one’s a little tougher to work around. Is there anyway to manually add components to the palette? Maybe by modifying whichever file the palette is loaded from?



    #259870 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Try a brand new workspace just as a sanity check: File > Switch Workspace > C:\tempworkspace, hit OK, then create a new Java project and a Matisse form, in the palette do you have a drop down arrow?

    #260000 Reply



    Unfortunately that didn’t work. So, I tried doing a clean install of a base Eclipse (my previous version included some plugins from IBM – Callisto, I think). Then, installed MyEclipse on top of that.

    That did it. I have the prized down arrow now!

    Thanks a lot for your help. I appreciate your thoughtful responses on both issues.


    #260005 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Oh very cool, I’m glad it’s wokring now. Thanks for doing that reinstall to double check, I was running out of ideas.

    #260141 Reply

    Jeff Brown

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    Update: I had gotten so wrapped up in another M4M test project that I didn’t realize I had actually never *run* the project I sent you, I just did design mode and preview mode, You are right, once I ran it, blah, NullPointerException.

    I am filing this as a bug. Thanks for being patient.

    Is there an ETA on when a patch may be available for this issue?

    #260144 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Yes this patch will be going into the 5.0.3 release in early November (first week or so of November).

    #261158 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I just confirmed that this fix is in 5.0.3, not too much longer to wait. Thanks for being patient.

    #262326 Reply

    We have encountered similar problems here with Icon images, which worked well in designer view, but did cause null exceptions on running the program. I think it had to do with our project being organized in SourceFolders.
    Now with the new version 5.1 the behaviour has changed in the following way:
    I create a JLabel. I select the […] button next to the “Icon” Property.
    I select the “ClassPath” radio button. I click “Select File”. I am prompted with a selection dialog.
    I select an icon in a folder called /gfx in my sourceFolder.
    The path “/gfx/Delete.gif” appears in the “Name” text field.
    I click okay, and get the following prompt: “Invalid Icon Value. Probably malformed URL or unknown resource.”

    Since these Problems did not appear before we started organizing our stuff in source folders, I think it has something to
    do with that, but just stopping to use source folders does not really seem a valid option here.

    Anyone else had that problem?


    *** Date:
    Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:16:47 AM CET

    ** System properties:
    OS version=5.1
    Java version=1.4.2_10

    *** MyEclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench
    Version: 5.1.0 GA
    Build id: 20061111-5.1.0-GA

    *** Eclipse details:
    MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench

    Version: 5.1.0 GA
    Build id: 20061111-5.1.0-GA

    Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework

    Version: 3.2.1.v20060921
    Build id: 20060921-1617

    Eclipse Platform

    Version: 3.2.1.r321_v20060921-b_XVA-INSQSyMtx
    Build id: M20060921-0945

    Eclipse RCP

    Version: 3.2.1.r321_v20060801-2ekW2BxmcpPUOoq
    Build id: M20060921-0945

    Eclipse Java Development Tools

    Version: 3.2.1.r321_v20060905-R4CM1Znkvre9wC-
    Build id: M20060921-0945

    Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment

    Version: 3.2.1.r321_v20060823-6vYLLdQ3Nk8DrFG
    Build id: M20060921-0945

    Eclipse Project SDK

    Version: 3.2.1.r321_v20060801-tQ1w49KnTArT0FZ
    Build id: M20060921-0945

    Eclipse startup command=-os

    #262353 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It’s possible this is a test case we didn’t cover internally. Can you create a small test project with exactly this setup, and email it to me at [email protected] ATTN Riyad, with a link to this thread so I know why I’m getting it? Also tell me in the email exactly how to reproduce the problem. I’ll analyze what is going on and file a bug for the M4M team to correct.

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