
Configuration of Axis 2.0 on Myeclipse 5.1

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  • #273867 Reply


    Can you provide any documentation or references how can we configure Axis 2.0 on Myeclipse 5.1 ??

    #273869 Reply

    Loyal Water

    You cant configure Axis to work with MyEclipse. Only XFire is support by MyEclipse.

    #273887 Reply


    I know Myeclipse 5.1 doesnt support Axis Development. Our Project team decided to use Axis 2.0 along with myeclipse 5.1. Do you have any white papers or support to customise the myeclipse 5.1 for Axis 2.0???

    Ps: we cant afford to go back to Xfire webservice broker as we had been using Axis as webservice development for last 2 yrs.

    #273965 Reply

    Loyal Water

    We dont have any docs to help you guys out. Sorry about that.

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