
Custom EAR builds?

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  • #221349 Reply


    This may be a case of RTFM, but I have a tough time finding good documentation for Eclipse and myEclipse. Right now I’m running Eclipse 3.01 and myEclipse 3.8.3.

    I’m looking at the possibility of using modifying our projects to ME Enterprise Applications. Right now our app is 1 project, and we run a unique build.xml for each one of our environments to create an EAR file and then manually deploy to Tomcat or Websphere 5.02. That will probably need to continue because of the differences in property files and other differences between environments.

    I could probably modify the build.xml files so that they do the minimal amount work to get things ready to create the EAR file and then let myEclipse do the rest, but is there a way to incorporate that into the build or deployment process?


    #221350 Reply


    I’ve noticed that there are ‘Builders’ for applications – 6 for the WAR and 4 for the EAR, but how can I find out what they do? Is there a description somewhere for them?

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