- This topic has 5 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 4 months ago by
Riyad Kalla.
panama-joeMember– System Setup ——————————-
Operating System and version: Windows XP SP1
Eclipse version: 3.0.1
Eclipse build id: 200409161125
Fresh Eclipse install (y/n): yes
If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager? no
Other installed external plugins: ClearCase Sourceforge plugin
Number of plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory that begin with org.eclipse.pde.*: 8
MyEclipse version: 3.8.2 + Quickfix 20041004
Eclipse JDK version: 1.4.2_05
Application Server JDK version: 1.4.2_05
Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file? no current ones– Message Body ——————————-
Hi !
I have just migrated our JSP / Struts project from plain Eclipse (with Sysdeo Tomcat plugin) to ME.
So far, I have not been able to get our application up and running in Tomcat.
Our application consisted of two projects: Frontend and Middletier.
– Frontend contains all JSPs, Struts classes (Forms, Actions, etc.) and some jars. I have converted this project to a MyEclipse Web project.
– Middeltier is a Java project and contains all business logic and connectivity to the DB and other systems.
– the Frontend project is marked as dependent on the Middletier project.I have managed to get the middletier classes also deployed to the Tomcat webapp directory. However, the most obvious error happening is that the middletier libs (jars) do not get deployed, although they are marked for export in the Middletier project properties.
Any thoughts ?
In general, deployment with the Sysdeo Tomcat plugin is much more comfortable & straightforward, especially since source changes are available in Tomcat as soon as they are saved, and no extra (time-consuming) deployment step is required because Tomcat is pointed directly to the eclipse work directory. Is any similar feature planned for the deployment of non-EJB apps to Tomcat ?
Thanks, Jochen
Riyad KallaMemberI have managed to get the middletier classes also deployed to the Tomcat webapp directory. However, the most obvious error happening is that the middletier libs (jars) do not get deployed, although they are marked for export in the Middletier project properties.
Not currently supported (open enhancement), you can make these External Libs to the Frontend project, and then setup the deployment rule to deploy them, and you’ll be all set.
especially since source changes are available in Tomcat as soon as they are saved
If you use exploded deployment, MyEclipse will do the same for you.
Is any similar feature planned for the deployment of non-EJB apps to Tomcat ?
Its already there 😉
panama-joeMember@support-rkalla wrote:
I have managed to get the middletier classes also deployed to the Tomcat webapp directory. However, the most obvious error happening is that the middletier libs (jars) do not get deployed, although they are marked for export in the Middletier project properties.
Not currently supported (open enhancement), you can make these External Libs to the Frontend project, and then setup the deployment rule to deploy them, and you’ll be all set.
In this case, the label in the “Order and Export” dialog in the Java Build Path properties is somewhat misleading where it says: “Exported entries are contributed to dependent projects”.
Hopefully this enhancement will be included in 3.9 ?especially since source changes are available in Tomcat as soon as they are saved
If you use exploded deployment, MyEclipse will do the same for you.
Does that mean I have to deploy manually only once in a while, and all changes are then deployed automatically ?
Is any similar feature planned for the deployment of non-EJB apps to Tomcat ?
Its already there 😉
adding all Middletier jars still doesn’t let me access the Tomcat app: I still get a “ClassNotFoundError”for the first middletier class being accessed (although it’s available under WEB-INF\classes\…).Furthermore, I managed to reproduce the following behaviour:
Whenever I restart Eclipse, the previous deployment information is lost – when I click on “Deploy J2EE project to server …” the list is empty. When I click on “Add”, I get the error message “Frontend cannot be deployed. Either it has already been deployed to all enabled and configured servers capable of running it, or no appropriate servers have been anabled and configured…” When I open the drop-down list “Run/Stop servers”, the error message “No enabled servers available – see MyEclipse preferences” is displayed.
To resolve this problem, I have to go to Window => Preferences => MyEclipse => Application Servers => Tomcat 5, just exit the dialogwith “OK”, and then again go to the “Deploy J2EE project to server …” dialog, where I can now add the deployment for my Frontend project again !Follow-Up 2:
I added one basic jsp to the project to screen dump all scope variables – this works! However, when I look at the contents of the “org.apache.catalina.jsp_classpath” variable in the application scope, it contains all frontend jars (but pointing to my clearcase view, not the Tomcat webapp\lib dir), but still no middletier jar, although I re-deployed and restarted Tomcat several times after adding the libs to the Frontend project!
Riyad KallaMemberIn this case, the label in the “Order and Export” dialog in the Java Build Path properties is somewhat misleading where it says: “Exported entries are contributed to dependent projects”.
Hopefully this enhancement will be included in 3.9 ?I’m checking on this for you, we agree it would be handy (just have to juggly our TODO items)
Does that mean I have to deploy manually only once in a while, and all changes are then deployed automatically ?
Yep, you will get a warning popup when the server is unable to sync the files that are automatically deployed. This is usually due to the ‘shape’ of the class changing too much. Then you just shut down the server, manually redeploy and start it back up again. ALTHOUGH, I have gone through 20 errors without restarting Tomcat 5 before and the changes are still synced up fine… so I instead use that popup as a warning… if you get the warning and just keep working, and eventually hit a point where the changes are NOT being picked up, then you know you need to restart and redeploy to the server.
adding all Middletier jars still doesn’t let me access the Tomcat app: I still get a “ClassNotFoundError”for the first middletier class being accessed (although it’s available under WEB-INF\classes\…).
I need specifics from you, please outline how your project “Frontend” looks and how your project “Middletier” looks, wrap your text in code blocks so the formatting is retained for indentation. Also double check your deployment settings for dependnt projects and make sure it is setup correctly.
panama-joeMemberOK, finally I managed to get the TC app up and running. What kept the Middletier libs from being deployed was that that they explicitly have to be selected for Export on the last tab of the “Java Build Path” properties – just adding them as external libs to the Frontend project isn’t sufficient.
Thanks for the assistance !
Regards, Jochen
Riyad KallaMemberNice job Jochen, and thank you for following up.