
Does MyEclipse support getting JSP Reference to Java method?

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  • #225350 Reply

    Does MyEclipse support getting JSP Reference to Java method?

    I tried it and it doesn’t work with test latest version of myEclipse.

    Do I need to do set a configuration flag somewhere?

    Does MyEclipse are working on this functionalities?

    Just to put thing in perspective IDEA IntelliJ is doing that for many years.

    #225352 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    MyEclipse does not currently support this functionality, but will in future releases.

    #225354 Reply

    Can you tell me in which milestone/release version it’s scheduled?

    #225355 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you tell me in which milestone/release version it’s scheduled?

    It is not scheduled yet, there are *many* more enhancements and features comming in our next release (end of March) then we will take some time to swing back into our core functionality and enhance it for releases after that… this will likely be a feature that is part of those enhancements. Nothing is set in stone yet.

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