
EAR Deployment failing on WebSphere 6.1

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  • #285776 Reply


    I get errors (see bottom) when I try to deploy my EJB 2 compliant EAR onto WebSphere 6.1 server. I suspect that the xdoclet is not generating binding entries in ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file for the ejbs referenced in the xdoclet. For example, ejb reference as specified by xdoclet:

    @ejb.ejb-external-ref ejb-name=”WorkflowService”

    should generate the following entries in ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file.

    <ejbRefBindings xmi:id=”EJBRefBnd_1″ jndiName=”ejb/com/checkfree/pv/service/ejb/WorkflowServiceBean”>
    <bindingEjbRef xmi:type=”common:EJBLocalRef” href=”META-INF/ejb-jar.xml#EJBLocalRef_1″/>

    Also, the generated listener port entry in ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi file is always empty that requires to be manually set. I do have xdoclet configuration that includes: Standard EJB for WebSphere.

    Is there a any xdoclet configuration that needs to be tweaked to generate the </ejbRefBindings>? Is there a way to specify the JNDI name for these entries with xdoclet tags. Is there a way to specify the listenerport name as a xdoclet tag?

    Excerpts from wsadmin.traceout

    [6/10/08 16:20:04:019 EDT] 0000000a ArchiveDeploy W ADMA0091E: The resource WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xmi that is defined in URI WEB-INF/ibm-web-bnd.xmi for module PV_WEB.war is not valid. The resource has a cross reference null that cannot be resolved.
    [6/10/08 16:20:04:176 EDT] 0000000a AbstractShell E WASX7120E: Diagnostic information from exception with text “com.ibm.ws.scripting.ScriptingException: WASX7109E: Insufficient data for install task “MapEJBRefToEJB

    ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping EJB references to enterprise beans. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding com_checkfree_pv_CompositeWorkflowSessionHome in module Generated by XDoclet with EJB name CheckWorkFlowReceiverMDB.
    ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping EJB references to enterprise beans. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding ejb/SLAEvaluationServiceLocal in module Generated by XDoclet with EJB name CheckWorkFlowReceiverMDB.
    ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping EJB references to enterprise beans. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding ejb/CorrelationServiceLocal in module Generated by XDoclet with EJB name CheckWorkFlowReceiverMDB.
    ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping EJB references to enterprise beans. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding ejb/DataMappingServiceLocal in module Generated by XDoclet with EJB name CheckWorkFlowReceiverMDB.
    ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping EJB references to enterprise beans. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding ejb/mytest in module Generated by XDoclet with EJB name CheckWorkFlowReceiverMDB.
    ADMA0007E: A Validation error occurred in task Mapping EJB references to enterprise beans. The Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI) name is not specified for reference binding com_checkfree_pv_CompositeWorkflowSessionHome in module Generated by XDoclet with EJB name PEPLUSWokFlowReceiverMDB.

    #285793 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Was the project created using MyEclipse? Were you able to start the server without errors before deploy your app?

    If you create a brand new project and try deploying it, does the deployment work?

    #296618 Reply

    I’m getting the same behaviour with Blue 7.1 and an existing MyEclipse project that I want to integrate to Blue

    Furthermore, the JNDI name of all my resources like ds, jms, url are empty in the ibm-ejb-jar-bnd.xmi generated by Xdoclet.

    Any ideas on this?

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