
Eclipse having problem deploying web app on server

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  • #231757 Reply


    I’m working on software that was developed in intellij. I have imported the app into eclipse and eclipse will not see it as a web application. Nor will it deploy to my tomcat server. Any Suggections??

    #231780 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Can you please post all the information we request in the [URL=http://www.myeclipseide.com/PNphpBB2+file-viewtopic-t-393.html]Posting Guidelines[/URL] thread at the top of this forum? That will give us some context so that we can determine if this is an installation issue, a configuration problem, or a bug. Thanks.

    #231806 Reply


    XP Home
    MyEclipse Build 3.8.4
    JDK 1.4.8
    Rinning same version on server

    #231811 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    What I would suggest is creating a new web project (File > New > Project > Web Project) and dropping the artifacts into the appropriate location from your existing project. To get an idea of how MyEclipse will behave and the facilities you have at your disposal when working with webapps, please look at our guides here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

    #231813 Reply


    Yes the problem did get resolved yeaterday but the problem is back today. In the MyEclipse menu it has no options to add web capabilities. The project was developed in IntelliJ and imported into eclipse. I’m thinking it’s some type of formatting issue. Eclipse sets up a struts application file layout by default. The imported project doesen’t fit the file layout.

    Unclear and totaly lost on what the problem could be.

    #231819 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Send me the original project and I’ll see if I can put it together into a web project for you. [email protected] ATTN Riyad, be sure to reference this thread so I know why I’m getting the file.

    #231823 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    Yes the problem did get resolved yeaterday but the problem is back today.

    I have no idea what the context of this statement is. What was fixed and what is now “back”?

    In the MyEclipse menu it has no options to add web capabilities.

    It’s called “Add WebProject Capabilities…” and is followed by “Remove WebProject capabilities…” , which are the last two items in the first group of actions under the MyEclipse menu in the main menu bar. If they’re not present, either active or inactive, then you have a bad installation. If “Add…” is not active then either you don’t have a project selected in the Package Explorer view (try reselecting it), or the project already has web project capabilities (in which case only “Remove…” should be active). So, what’s that state of the menu and what is on it, *precisely*?

    The project was developed in IntelliJ and imported into eclipse.

    After you imported it, did you run the “Add web project capabilities…” wizard? If not, then it won’t be deployable.

    #231863 Reply


    MyEclipse will only let me add Hibernate Capabilities to a project. I even made a project using the Web Project Wizard and MyEclipse will not let me add or remove webproject capabilities. Well as for sending the source code thats not going to happen, boss said source code dosent leave the building.

    #231868 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Web Projects already have Web Capabilities added to them. If you created a web project, just try copy-pasting the artifacts from your INtelliJ project into the new project (Source code goes into source folder, JSPs into WEbRoot, etc. etc.).

    #231874 Reply


    I did that but as soon as I copied everything over, all the capabilities became disabled again.

    #231875 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    It sounds like you have some dot files (.<blah>) from a previous eclipse install in the IJ project already, double check if you do or not (open the project in Windows explorer). It’s possible that an old .project file from Eclipse could be overwrwiting the new one and crapping on everything.

    #231876 Reply


    should i delete the existing .project file??

    #231880 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Just ot make sure we are on the same page, when I said create a new project and drop the pieces in bit by bit, I didn’t mean create a new project then grab the entire existing project and just drop it ontop of it. What I meant was to drag the JSPs into the Webroot, the WEB-INF dir contents into the project, source code into the source dir and so on and so on.

    If you are asking if you should remove the .project file from the Eclipse project, no, Eclipse needs this. If you are asking if you should remove the .project file from the original IntelliJ project, then YES, it shouldn’t be there.

    I really don’t see if you followed my suggestion how you are ending up with the situation you are having if you are moving it piece by piece over.

    #231918 Reply


    Yes I droped everything in piece by piece and it still does not work.

    #231921 Reply


    Is their anything in the .project file I can change to give the project WebProject Capabilities

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

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