
ERROR ITMS-9000: "This Bundle is invalid"

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  • #349780 Reply



    I’m trying to upload my app using the Application Loader and I have the next error.

    Package Summary:

    1 package(s) were not uploaded because they had problems:
    /var/folders/gc/b5tj6htx1ldg0fdbxdtf0p6m0000gn/T/888830852.itmsp – Error Messages:
    ERROR ITMS-9000: “This bundle is invalid. New apps and app updates submitted to the App Store must be built with public (GM) versions of Xcode 5.1.1 or higher and iOS 7 SDK. Do not submit apps built with beta software.” at SoftwareAssets/SoftwareAsset (MZItmspSoftwareAssetPackage)
    My Build Config file is

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
    <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.genuitec.com/myeclipse/mobile"
        xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" version="0.2"
        xsi:schemaLocation="http://schemas.genuitec.com/myeclipse/mobile http://schemas.genuitec.com/myeclipse/mobile/buildconfig_0_2.xsd">
        <author email="[email protected]" name="Zyos" />
            <item exclusionPatterns="" inclusionPatterns="www/" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/1-57x57-27.png"
                image-size="57x57" image-type="ICON" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/3-72x72-29.png"
                image-size="72x72" image-type="ICON" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/2-114x114-28.png"
                image-size="114x114" image-type="ICON" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/4-512x512-30.png"
                image-size="512x512" image-type="ICON" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/1logo-320X480-.png"
                image-size="320x480" image-type="SPLASH" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/2logo-640X960-640X1136-.png"
                image-size="640x960" image-type="SPLASH" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/3logo-640X1136-.png"
                image-size="640x1136" image-type="SPLASH" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/4logo-760x1004-.png"
                image-size="768x1004" image-type="SPLASH" />
            <app-image image-path="apps/todomicilio.ios/images/5logo-1024x748.png"
                image-size="1024x748" image-type="SPLASH" />
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    #349797 Reply

    Hi ogarzonm,

    What version of Application Loader are you using?
    Are you using an appstore distribution profile and production certificate in the build process of your app?

    #349876 Reply

    Hi ogarzonm,

    We have replicated the issue and are investigating it. We will provide updates asap.

    #350013 Reply

    Hi ogarzonm,

    The App Center Builder issue has been resolved. Please rebuild and best wishes with your apps.

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