- This topic has 18 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 9 months ago by
amarkMemberUnable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: The Visual Web Designer is not supported on the current Browser platform. The MyEclipse ‘Classic’ JSP Editor has been opened instead.
Kapil KapreMemberThe Visual Web Designer is “windows only” at the moment.
amarkMemberYes it is Windows only i have MyEclipse 3.1, the same configeration is there on my friends Pc but he is not getting the error .We both are not able to find out the problem on my pc.
Kapil KapreMemberCould you please post all the information from your MyEclipse>About>Configuration Summary and the error log contents.
amarkMemberEclipse3.1,MyEclipse4.1,ApacheTomcat 5.5.17.
The Error log contents are.
Unable to create this part due to an internal error. Reason for the failure: The Visual Web Designer is not supported on the current Browser platform. The MyEclipse ‘Classic’ JSP Editor has been opened instead.org.eclipse.ui.PartInitException: The Visual Web Designer is not supported on the current Browser platform. The MyEclipse ‘Classic’ JSP Editor has been opened instead.
at com.genuitec.eclipse.webdesigner2.HTMLMultiPageEditorPart.redirectToClassicEditor(HTMLMultiPageEditorPart.java:1198)
at com.genuitec.eclipse.webdesigner2.HTMLMultiPageEditorPart.init(HTMLMultiPageEditorPart.java:882)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.createSite(EditorManager.java:778)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPartHelper(EditorReference.java:596)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference.createPart(EditorReference.java:384)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference.getPart(WorkbenchPartReference.java:552)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartPane.setVisible(PartPane.java:283)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.PresentablePart.setVisible(PresentablePart.java:126)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.PresentablePartFolder.select(PresentablePartFolder.java:268)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.LeftToRightTabOrder.select(LeftToRightTabOrder.java:65)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.presentations.util.TabbedStackPresentation.selectPart(TabbedStackPresentation.java:391)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.refreshPresentationSelection(PartStack.java:1102)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.setSelection(PartStack.java:1051)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.showPart(PartStack.java:1256)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartStack.add(PartStack.java:442)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorStack.add(EditorStack.java:109)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSashContainer.addEditor(EditorSashContainer.java:60)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaHelper.addToLayout(EditorAreaHelper.java:212)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorAreaHelper.addEditor(EditorAreaHelper.java:202)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.createEditorTab(EditorManager.java:758)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.openEditorFromDescriptor(EditorManager.java:665)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorManager.openEditor(EditorManager.java:628)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditorBatched(WorkbenchPage.java:2360)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.busyOpenEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:2295)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.access$9(WorkbenchPage.java:2287)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage$9.run(WorkbenchPage.java:2273)
at org.eclipse.swt.custom.BusyIndicator.showWhile(BusyIndicator.java:69)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:2268)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.openEditor(WorkbenchPage.java:2249)
at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(IDE.java:371)
at org.eclipse.ui.ide.IDE.openEditor(IDE.java:334)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.EditorUtility.openInEditor(EditorUtility.java:251)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.javaeditor.EditorUtility.openInEditor(EditorUtility.java:131)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.actions.OpenActionUtil.open(OpenActionUtil.java:49)
at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenAction.run(OpenAction.java:169)
at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.OpenAction.run(OpenAction.java:153)
at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction.dispatchRun(SelectionDispatchAction.java:222)
at org.eclipse.jdt.ui.actions.SelectionDispatchAction.run(SelectionDispatchAction.java:198)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerActionGroup.handleOpen(PackageExplorerActionGroup.java:296)
at org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.packageview.PackageExplorerPart$4.open(PackageExplorerPart.java:869)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$2.run(StructuredViewer.java:741)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.InternalPlatform.run(InternalPlatform.java:1044)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.Platform.run(Platform.java:783)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.JFaceUtil$1.run(JFaceUtil.java:44)
at org.eclipse.jface.util.SafeRunnable.run(SafeRunnable.java:148)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.fireOpen(StructuredViewer.java:739)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer.handleOpen(StructuredViewer.java:968)
at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer$6.handleOpen(StructuredViewer.java:1067)
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.fireOpenEvent(OpenStrategy.java:243)
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy.access$2(OpenStrategy.java:238)
at org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy$1.handleEvent(OpenStrategy.java:277)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.EventTable.sendEvent(EventTable.java:66)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget.sendEvent(Widget.java:843)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.runDeferredEvents(Display.java:3080)
at org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.readAndDispatch(Display.java:2713)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runEventLoop(Workbench.java:1699)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.runUI(Workbench.java:1663)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.createAndRunWorkbench(Workbench.java:367)
at org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.createAndRunWorkbench(PlatformUI.java:143)
at org.eclipse.ui.internal.ide.IDEApplication.run(IDEApplication.java:103)
at org.eclipse.core.internal.runtime.PlatformActivator$1.run(PlatformActivator.java:226)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:376)
at org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter.run(EclipseStarter.java:163)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.invokeFramework(Main.java:334)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.basicRun(Main.java:278)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.run(Main.java:973)
at org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:948)
Kapil KapreMemberCould you please post all the information from your MyEclipse>About>Configuration Summary
amarkMember# Eclipse runtime configuration file
# This file contains a number of key/value pairs that are merged into the
# System properties on system startup. The values control the way the
# runtime is structured and runs.# Note: Only platform:/base/ and file: URLs are supported. In general the
# URLs given may include a version number (e.g., …/location_1.2.3).
# If a version is not specified, the system binds
# to the location which matches exactly or to the versioned location with the
# latest version number. If a version number is given then only exact matches
# are considered.# The URL for the runtime entry point. The default value is
# platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi
#osgi.framework = platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.osgi# The classpath for the framework found at the osgi.framework location. This
# comma-separated list contains either URLs or simple element names. Simple
# names are assumed to be relative to the framework’s install directory.
# Typically this value need not be set as it is initialized by the framework itself.
# Version match searching is not done for URLs listed here.
#osgi.frameworkClassPath =# The comma-separated list of locations to search for the splash screen file (splash.bmp).
# For each list element a subdirectory structure based on the pattern nl/<locale> is searched.
# The system binds to the first matching file. There is no default value.
osgi.splashPath = platform:/base/plugins/org.eclipse.platform# The location of the splash screen file. If this value is set at system startup it is used
# in favour of the osgi.splashPath searching outlined above. If the value is not set
# the searching is done and this key is bound to the result of the search.
#osgi.splashLocation =# The comma-separated list of bundles which are automatically installed and optionally started
# once the system is up and running. Each entry if of the form
# <URL | simple bundle location>[@ [<startlevel>] [“:start”]]
# If the startlevel is omitted then the framework will use the default start level for the bundle.
# If the “start” tag is added then the bundle will be marked as started after being installed.
# Simple bundle locations are interepreted as relative to the framework’s parent directory.
# The startlevel indicates the OSGi start level at which the bundle should run.
osgi.bundles=org.eclipse.core.runtime@2:start, org.eclipse.update.configurator@3:start# The product to run. A given Eclipse configuration may contain many products.
# The product identified will supply the branding (window icons, title bar text) etc
# as well as define the default application to run.
eclipse.product=org.eclipse.sdk.ide# The application to run. The value specified here is the id of the application extension
# the runtime will find, instantiate and execute once the system is up. Note that typically
# the identified eclipse.product defines the default application to run.
#eclipse.application=# The default workspace location
[email protected]/workspace# The build identifier
eclipse.buildId=M20050929-0840# End of file marker – must be here
I am getting error when i am running Ant.
E:\eclipse-SDK-3.1.1-win32\eclipse\workspace\HelloWorld\build.xml:11: taskdef class weblogic.ant.taskdefs.j2ee.Appc cannot be found
Kapil KapreMemberamark,
Could you post the information I asked for? MyEclipse>About>Configuration Summary. I am talking about the MyEclipse menu and i am *NOT* asking you for any file from your eclipse / myeclipse installation.
As for the ant error please post your issue in any Off Topic forum as it doesnt concern MyEclipse.
amarkMemberSir plz
I am not getting what you are saying,i dont no from where to get the Configuration Summary.Can you plz tell me sir,The only thing i got was InstallLog.
Meclipse is installed in C:\programsfiles,and Eclipse in E:
Kapil KapreMemberCan you see the MyEclipse menu in eclipse? OK, Hit About MyEclipse and then Configuration Summary.
I have the same problem 🙁
My configuration :
*** Date: Thu May 11 10:57:33 CEST 2006
*** System properties:
OS version=5.0
Java version=1.5.0_06*** MyEclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise WorkbenchVersion: 4.1.1 GA
Build id: 20060309-4.1.1-GA*** Eclipse details:
Eclipse SDKVersion: 3.1.2
Build id: M20060118-1600Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.1.2
Build id: M20060118-1600Eclipse RCP
Version: 3.1.2
Build id: M20060118-1600Eclipse Java Development Tools
Version: 3.1.2
Build id: M20060118-1600Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
Version: 3.1.2
Build id: M20060118-1600Eclipse Project SDK
Version: 3.1.2
Build id: M20060118-1600Eclipse startup command=-os
D:\Program Files\Eclipse\eclipse.exe
amarkMember*** Date: Fri May 12 10:43:34 IST 2006
*** System properties:
OS version=4.0
Java version=1.5.0-beta2*** MyEclipse details:
MyEclipse Enterprise WorkbenchVersion: 4.1.1 GA
Build id: 20060309-4.1.1-GA*** Eclipse details:
Eclipse SDKVersion: 3.1.1
Build id: M20050929-0840Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.1.1
Build id: M20050929-0840Eclipse Java Development Tools
Version: 3.1.1
Build id: M20050929-0840Eclipse Graphical Editing Framework
Version: 3.1
Build id: 200509301327Eclipse Project SDK
Version: 3.1.1
Build id: M20050929-0840Eclipse RCP
Version: 3.1.1
Build id: M20050929-0840Eclipse Plug-in Development Environment
Version: 3.1.1
Build id: M20050929-0840Eclipse startup command=-os
Kapil did you get with the problem.
Kapil KapreMemberamark,
Sorry I missed your post. What IE version do you have? You will require a minimum of v6.0 to allow the WebDesigner to work correctly. -