- This topic has 10 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 9 months ago by
virtualmasterMemberI am trying to put facebook feed from https://www.facebook.com/feeds/page.php?format=rss20&id=249892678486419 onto my app
I have tried it in the bike example
when i change the bike rss to my facebook rss i just get the loading round thing and nothing elsehttp://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20channel.title%2Cchannel.link%2Cchannel.item.title%2Cchannel.item.link%2C%20channel.item.pubDate%2C%20channel.item.description%20from%20xml%20where%20url%3D%22https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Ffeeds%2Fpage.php%3Fformat%3Drss20%26id%3D249892678486419%22&diagnostics=true
if i leave the bike custom.js as it is it works fine but my code doesnt work. please help. Thanks
BrandonMemberTry this RSS reader its much better and does not rely on third party sites:
virtualmasterMemberi tried that too but i was stuggling with it too. can you tell me where i put my facebook feed url on that example you mentioned? thanks
support-octavioMemberTo understand the dynamic list example that cincyplanet has shared with you follow the flow of the create_list function in the _custom.js file. Hope this is helpful.
virtualmasterMembertried that already but it doesnt work with my url can you please try and let me know it works for then i will know its me and not the software. thanks
virtualmasterMemberi have tried replacing http://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/
ws/RSS/topfreeapplications/sf=143441/limit=10/xml with my url http://fbrss.com/f/8570948f5a7b8b9587399ac542092f70.xml it just gives a blank screen. I am sorry if i am doing it wrong my background is not programming hence i brought this software thinking i can avoid coding. I cannot find any tutorial for the example otherwise i would have tried it myself.
virtualmasterMemberits ok i managed to fix the issue
basically you need to make sure the var are macthing to the names on the rss feed you are trying to link.
virtualmasterMemberOk now it works fine in mobione test but as soon i run publish it it stops working on mobione test. please see attached the product files
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BrandonMemberI have had the same problem with Facebook feeds. They make it very hard for developers to grab what should be a simple feed for timeline or photos. I have stopped trying to grab feeds and suggest Flickr for photos and wordpress for news feeds and have started using just a web link for the Facebook.
virtualmasterMembermy external xml file:
<title>My Title</title> <link>My Link</link> <thumbnail>My image</thumbnail>
in mobione i have
var $xml = $(data); $xml.find("item").each(function() { var $this = $(this), item = { title: $this.find("title").text(), image: $this.find("thumbnail").text() } list_items.push(item); });
Ok right now the script is only show the <thumbnail> working
It is not reading the text <title> Not working
the other issue is that it is not showing or opening the <link> Not WorkingAppreciate your help Thanks
support-michaelKeymasterDid you have any success parsing the xml file?
If no can you post a real xml doc example? -