
Get error on Spring applicationContext.xml [Closed]

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  • #221996 Reply

    Greetings and Happy Holidays.

    I have been following Matt Raible’s tutorial on his Equinox application. When using the applicationContext.xml file included, I get the following error: Attribute “abstract” must be declared for element type “bean”.

    This happens in the transaction proxy template block on line 19. I have pasted the file’s contents below.

    Thanks in advance.
    Blaine Mincey
    [email protected]

    ############Start Paste ######################

    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>


    <bean id=”propertyConfigurer”
    <property name=”location”>

    Transaction template for Managers, from:
    <bean id=”txProxyTemplate” abstract=”true”
    <property name=”transactionManager”>
    <ref bean=”transactionManager” />
    <property name=”transactionAttributes”>
    <prop key=”save*”>PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
    <prop key=”remove*”>PROPAGATION_REQUIRED</prop>
    <prop key=”*”>PROPAGATION_REQUIRED,readOnly</prop>

    <bean id=”userManager” parent=”txProxyTemplate”>
    <property name=”target”>
    <bean class=”org.appfuse.service.impl.UserManagerImpl”>
    <property name=”userDAO”>
    <ref bean=”userDAO” />

    ############End Paste ######################

    #222000 Reply

    Scott Anderson


    It looks like the spring beans DTD file has been updated since we included a copy in MyEclipse. To correct the issue in your current copy you need to add a User Catalog Entry to the XML Catalog at Window > Preferences > MyEclipse > Editors > XML > XML Catalog. The settings to use for the user entry are:

    URI: http://www.springframework.org/dtd/spring-beans.dtd
    Key Type: Public ID
    Key: -//SPRING//DTD BEAN//EN

    Once you’ve created the new entry to point directly to the Spring site, you can revalidate the file to remove the error. We’ll correct the cached version of the DTD in the next release. Thanks for pointing out the issue.

    #222005 Reply

    Thanks a million Scott.

    That corrected the issue. Also, thanks for such a quick response.

    Happy New Year!


    #222008 Reply

    Scott Anderson

    No problem at all.

    Happy New Year to you too!

    #225516 Reply

    Thomas SMETS

    Needed for every workspace apparently …, isn’t it ?

    What is also weird is that I get a Connection time out while I can fetch the page from the myEclipseIDE Web Browser …. 😥


    p.s. : There is the possibility to do export / import of those settings … !

    Thomas SMETS

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