
Included Project Libraries not being deployed

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  • #269146 Reply

    I have a problem with deploying a project using libraries imported using MyEclipse. As an example, you can walk through the quickstart:


    In the example, you use the XFire 1.2 Core libraries for doing a HelloWorld web service. You deploy and when you start the app server (Tomcat6 for me), however, it throws an exception:

    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.codehaus.xfire.transport.http.XFireConfigurableServlet

    Basically, the XFire 1.2 Core Libraries stuff is not deployed to the deploy environment. I’ve repeated the tutorial several times with the same results. What am I missing?


    #269161 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The library is getting deployed, the issue is actually a bug that was fixed in our latest release, and that is the wizard forgot to add the XFire HTTP libraries to the project path, so you need to edit your build path, go to Add Library, then MyEclipse Library, then add the XFire HTTP library to your build path and you should be all set.

    #269166 Reply

    Riyad…eclipse must think that the “XFire 1.2 Core Library” is already loaded b/c it does not appear in the wizard list. You mention the “XFire HTTP libraries” so I checked that one but it leads to the same result.


    #269168 Reply

    …and actually, a similar thing kind of happens when I add struts capabilities. When I do that, it adds a bunch of .jsr files to my lib directory…but it doesn’t add them to the classpath. I have to add the jars manually to the classpath to get it to deploy. I would expect that adding struts capability would add a library and eclipse/myeclipse would handle the build path and the libraries to be deployed…

    maybe I’m not understanding…

    #269179 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Riyad…eclipse must think that the “XFire 1.2 Core Library” is already loaded b/c it does not appear in the wizard list. You mention the “XFire HTTP libraries” so I checked that one but it leads to the same result.

    Correct, if it’s already on the build path (you should be able to see it under Project Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries) it won’t be shown to you in the subsequent Library listing.

    So now you have Core & HTTP added and it’s still bombing out? Is it possible you accidentally added mismatching versions of the lib? Like Version 1.1 of Core and 1.2 of HTTP? Can you take a screenshot of your Libraries panel and PM it to me with a link to this thread for reference?

    I would expect that adding struts capability would add a library and eclipse/myeclipse would handle the build path and the libraries to be deployed…

    Hmm yes it should, this setting is under Window > Prefs > MyEclipse > J2EE Project > Web Project > Build Path

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