
Incomplete deployment in M3 (windows) [Closed]

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  • #235022 Reply

    Jim Hazen

    I’m having a terrible time getting MyEclipse 4.0 M3 (windows version) to correctly package and deploy my webapp.

    I have a MyEclipse Web project pointing to external source and webroot locations (don’t know if this matters). When I deploy the project, it consistantly misses files that are present in the web root. Some files make it, others like index.jsp do not. I don’t know if there is method to this madness, but I didn’t have these problems with my Linux M2.

    In some cases a packaged deployment will fail to create a war giving the following reason:
    “Deployment is out of date due to changes in the underlying project contents. You’ll need to manually ‘Redeploy’ the project to update the deployed archive.”
    Manually redeploying as no effect (no file is ever created in webapps).

    In other cases exploded deployment seems to have a problem updating because an external process has a lock on a file (remove fails). If you kill the embedded Tomcat process, the remove goes through. Although the redeploy still suffers from the missing files problem above.

    Windows MyEclipse 4.0 M3
    Eclipse 3.1
    JDK 1.5
    Tomcat 5.5.9


    #235067 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Try this:
    1) Remove your deployment
    2) Right click on your project root and REfresh it
    3) Rebuild your project
    4) Open your <workspace dir>\.metadata\.log file
    5) Try and create an exploded deployment
    6) Check the log file for any new exceptions. What were they?

    Also what do you mean “external source and webroot”?

    #236599 Reply

    Bjørn Næss

    Thanks – this helped me with the same problem.

    My configuration is:
    Eclipse 3.1.0 on Linux (Mandrake )
    Running JBOSS 4.1.0.

    Thanks for a very nice IDE.

    Bjørn Næss, [email protected]

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