
javascript debugger error

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  • #244653 Reply


    I have a jsp app that works as follows
    styart tomcat via the tomcat connector. open a MyEclipse webbrowser, and goto http://localhost:8080/ProviderExchange/Ind4ex.jsp. Security.jsp kicks in and redirects to login page. Enter login, get redirected to a table browse page. Click on a button and redirects to a datacollection page.
    In the datacollection page we have an iframe whos src jsp contains forms (yes plural) that get dynamically generated on startup and on each of the iframe form submits – ie.e, a form submits, returns into the iframe a row of what was submitted, and another form for the next submission.

    all iframe forms have an onsubmit event that call javascript. I put a breakpoint in the javascript, but it ignores it entirely.

    I have imported this project into myeclipse in the following manner:
    I have created an appserver plugin for tomcat, but I have NOT ‘deployed’ the application into tomcat as it already was a standard jsp webapplication (i.e., standard java webapp directory structure). I placed the project under tomcat/webapps, created a ‘new’ project using the same name as the webapplication, and this connected to my application. After getting all 3rd party libs included, It works fine when I kick off Tomcat from the connector. BUT, when I place a breakpoint in a javascript file (*.js) it ignores the breakpoint.

    I am not understanding what I am doing wrong. The tutorial for the javascript debugger only covers the case where you have inline javascript code, OR you launch the *.js file via ‘debug as javascript application’ which it is not.

    I have also tried adding javascript inline into the iframe source jsp. This also did not break.

    Whats up – does the javascript debugger work?

    #244671 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    all iframe forms have an onsubmit event that call javascript. I put a breakpoint in the javascript, but it ignores it entirely.

    I’m sorry I didn’t catch this before, for debugging to work you need to either start your app server using MyEclipse or follow our remote debugging guide here: http://www.myeclipseide.com/ContentExpress-display-ceid-67.html

    When you use Sysdeo, the debugger is not connected to the running app server process, so you won’t get any breakpoints honored.

    #244686 Reply


    I am starting the tomcat connector from myeclipse – I am not starting it with sysdeo anymore. The same results occur. What else can I do to debug this error???

    #244700 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Double check that your Tomcat 5 connector is set to launch in debug mode. Also make sure you are using atleast JDK 1.4 to launch Eclipse and Tomcat.

    Additionally try shutting down Tomcat, removing your deployment, rebuilding the project and redeploying it.

    #244908 Reply


    I have done the above – It just completely ignores the breakpoint. My questions are

    1) what do you mean by deployment? – I put my j2ee webapp into the tomcat webapps directory. Then I created a new project in MyEclipse with the same name as the context I entered into tomcat webapps. MyEclipse now opens my new project, but since it points to an existing project, all the files are there. After I install a bunch of jar files for compiling, all works fine; the app builds and runs. This is what I have done for deployment – is there another step

    2) Is there any other place I can look at to find the problem with the javascript debugger? I have been waiting for one that works for a long time, and I would absolutely buy the product (as would my team) if it worked – you may email me directly at [email protected] for more detail

    #244914 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    1) what do you mean by deployment? – I put my j2ee webapp into the tomcat webapps directory. Then I created a new project in MyEclipse with the same name as the context I entered into tomcat webapps. MyEclipse now opens my new project, but since it points to an existing project, all the files are there. After I install a bunch of jar files for compiling, all works fine; the app builds and runs. This is what I have done for deployment – is there another step

    Ahh, typically people don’t do this. They create a project somewhere with a directory under their workspace and create a web project. After they get to the point where they want to run it, they setup a “deployment” which tells MyEclipse “Ok, install this project under XYZ Application Server”, in your case Tomcat, and then they run it.

    2) Is there any other place I can look at to find the problem with the javascript debugger? I have been waiting for one that works for a long time, and I would absolutely buy the product (as would my team) if it worked – you may email me directly at [email protected] for more detail

    I’m going to ask another person to take a look at this with more knowledge of the JS debugger.

    #245934 Reply

    Art Smith

    Actually I’m having the same problem. I’m running JBoss 4.0.2. I have set break points in the javascript but they are ignored.
    My other break points, jsps, and java classes work fine.

    #245936 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Are you being sure to use the Web 2.0 Browser view? It is specially instrumented to work with the JS debugging.

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