
JavaScript outline does not show class methods

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  • #222721 Reply

    I am a new user of the MyEclipse plugins and am developing a large amount of JavaScript code. I was disappointed to see that the outline view provided with the JavaScript editor does not show class methods (i.e. prototype objects). In addition the display of local variables is more distracting than useful. For example, seeing 30 variables called “i” for each loop counter is not useful. Am I missing some configuration or preference or is this a request for enhancement.

    #222731 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Admitedly none of us use the JS editor that much so we don’t notice these behaviors in larger more intense use cases. If you could send us a .js file that exhibited this behavior, along with a link to this post and a description of the bheavior you WANT to happen, then we can probably do something for you. Please direct emails to [email protected] ATTN Riyad and I’ll have a look for you.

    #226529 Reply


    Indeed, the world NEEDS a decent javascript tool. One major feature that I would pay
    for is refactoring of javascript methods. With all the Gmail/Oddpost dynamic sites now
    being developed, this could be a real market opportunity.

    #226530 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    JS editing will get more attention as we move forward, but it will take time.

    msquared, I agree with your assessment that the new generation of apps *require* a good JS editor.

    #227254 Reply


    Desired features
    – outline view show method names
    – mark occurances
    – folding
    – toggle comments
    – open declaration
    – search references
    – refactoring (rename methods or objects)
    – TODO task listing

    wet dream wishlist item:
    -integrate with venkman (moz) and windows script debugger

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