
JSF 2.0 Not working with MyEclipse 9

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  • #317237 Reply



    just downloaded and installed MyEclipse 9 since I’ve heard a lot of good things about this IDE.
    Unfortunately I already failed creating a simple JSF 2.0 application, the following error message comes up:

    Servlet Faces Servlet is not available

    After that I tried to create a JSF 1.2 project, but the same error came up again.
    Then I unchecked the checkbox Properties -> MyEclipse -> Web -> Deployment and unchecked Library Deployment Policies -> Use workbench default settings (but actually didn’t change any of the other settings in this area). Then I retried and – it worked…
    I tried the same approach with JSF 2 but failed even with this ‘workaround’. Then again with JSF 1.2 -> failed, so I think the successfull try was just a fluke.
    I also exported the project as a war file and checked the lib directory which was completely empty.

    Some additional informations:
    OS: Ubuntu 11.04
    Version: MyEclipse for Spring 9.0
    Java: OpenJDK 6b22-1.10.0ubuntu1

    Can you please let me know how to resolve this issue?

    #317299 Reply



    since it seems nobody can help me here with this I have to move away from MyEclipse again (which is quite dissappointing, the IDE is looking promising)…

    team: Is there a way to get the money back I already paid for the MyEclipse for Spring version. Actually the IDE is useless without JSF….

    #317370 Reply


    Can you be more specific about what you’re trying to do?

    Are you trying to use JSF/Primefaces scaffolding? If so, have you completed the JSF tutorial that’s available in the help system or online (http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/ME4STutorialScaffoldingJSF/scaffoldingjsfarticle.html)?

    You may also want to check out the related screencasts on the MyEclipse for Spring youtube channel.
    Part 1: http://youtu.be/IeZ8pjRdCdE
    Part 2: http://youtu.be/CTvtS77qUZU

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