- This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 6 months ago by
I’m using Myeclipse 4.0M3 on a fresh Windows Eclipse 3.1 install + jdk 1.5.0_03. Everything is ok except for the new JSP designer.
I’m using struts-el tag libs and html control doesn’t appear in design or preview mode. If I change struts el tag lib to standar struts tag lib everything is OK but I need el in JSP page and I cannot use JSP 2.0 in this project.Any clue to fix this ?
Riyad KallaMemberPlease give us a snippet of code and examples of what you mean. What do you want to be able to see in the preview mode, what don’t you see, etc.
antoineMemberFind an example below. I know that tiles is not supported, but this page should show struts controls in designer. In fact if your change taglib uri with standard struts taglib URI (tags-html instead of tags-html-el) the designer shows all Struts control correctly. I would like to get the same with these “el” version of Struts tag libs.
Thank you
<%@ taglib prefix=”c” uri=”http://java.sun.com/jstl/core”%>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-tiles-el” prefix=”tiles”%>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-html-el” prefix=”html”%>
<%@ taglib uri=”http://struts.apache.org/tags-bean-el” prefix=”bean”%><tiles:insert definition=”MBALayout”>
<tiles:put name=”body” direct=”true”>
<td valign=”top”>
<html:form action=”phoneContactHandler”>
<table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ width=”660″>
<td colspan=”3″ class=”fgris”><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”1″
<td class=”fgris”><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”1″ height=”1″></td>
<td width=”658″><table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ width=”658″>
<td colspan=”3″><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”1″ height=”10″></td>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”10″ height=”1″></td>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”638″ height=”1″></td>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”10″ height=”1″></td>
<td class=”cale”> </td>
<td valign=”top” class=”txt”><!– DEB TAB FORMULAIRE PARTICIPANT –>
<table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”0″ width=”638″>
<td class=”txtor16″ valign=”top”>Informations about your call</td>
<td class=”txt” colspan=”3″><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”1″
<td class=”txt” colspan=”3″ valign=”top”>Fields with * are mandatory</td>
<td class=”txt” valign=”top”><table border=”0″ cellpadding=”0″ cellspacing=”5″ width=”1″>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”160″ height=”1″></td>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”20″ height=”1″></td>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”390″ height=”1″></td>
<td class=”txt” colspan=”3″><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif”
width=”1″ height=”10″></td>
<td class=”txt” align=”right”>Civility *</td>
<td class=”cale”> </td>
<td class=”txt”><html:radio property=”civility” value=”Mlle” />
Mlle<html:radio property=”civility” value=”Mme” /> Mme <html:radio
property=”civility” value=”M.” />M. <html:messages
id=”error” property=”civility”>
<font color=”red”> <%=error%> </font>
<td class=”txt” align=”right”>lastname*</td>
<td class=”cale”> </td>
<td class=”txt”><html:text property=”lastname” size=”30″
styleClass=”form” /> <html:messages id=”error”
<font color=”red”> <%=error%> </font>
<td class=”txt” align=”right”>firstname*</td>
<td class=”cale”> </td>
<td class=”txt”><html:text size=”30″ styleClass=”form”
property=”firstname” /> <html:messages id=”error”
<font color=”red”> <%=error%> </font>
<td class=”txt” align=”right”>Email*</td>
<td class=”cale”> </td>
<td class=”txt”><html:text size=”30″ property=”mail”
styleClass=”form” /> <html:messages id=”error”
<font color=”red”> <%=error%> </font>
<td class=”txt” colspan=”3″><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif”
width=”1″ height=”10″></td>
<td><img src=”/eme/img/x.gif” width=”1″ height=”10″></td>
GregMemberThe JSP Designer currently only supports standard struts-html library and the jsf-html library. However, we will investigate supporting the struts-html-el libraries since they are essentially the same visually as the standard struts-html.
antoineMemberThanks for the rapid answer.