
JSP Tag Files Validation errors

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  • #302301 Reply

    When I create a simple tag file I am getting validation errors (Unknown tag) on all the standard html tags like div and span.


    <%@ tag body-content="empty" %>
    <div id="footer">
    <span id="copyright">© 2009 MyCompany</span>

    I can use the custom tag just fine:

    <%@ taglib prefix="my" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags" %>

    Here are the errors:

    Description    Resource    Path    Location    Type
    Invalid character used in text string (© 2009 MyCompany).    footer.tag    XXX/webroot/WEB-INF/tags    line 3    JSP Problem
    Unknown tag (div).    footer.tag    XXX/webroot/WEB-INF/tags    line 2    JSP Problem
    Unknown tag (div).    footer.tag    XXX/webroot/WEB-INF/tags    line 4    JSP Problem
    Unknown tag (span).    footer.tag    XXX/webroot/WEB-INF/tags    line 3    JSP Problem
    Unknown tag (span).    footer.tag    XXX/webroot/WEB-INF/tags    line 3    JSP Problem

    How do I fix these validation errors?

    #302324 Reply



    Can you give me some more information to investigate:

    1) Can you copy and paste your installation detail? To do that open MyEclipse IDE, from the menu options click on MyEclipse > Installation Summary > Installation Details.
    2) Can you send your log file? You can get it from [your workspace dir]/.metadata/.log
    3) What type of application is it?
    4) Can you tell me the steps to reproduce the issue?
    5) For us to investigate with your issue from our end
    a) if possible try to send your project
    b) create a sample project which replicates your issue.

    You can send all the above mentioned documents to [email protected]. Please add ATTN: JOY in the subject and refer to this thread.

    #302356 Reply


    3) It’s a java jsp web servlet web application
    4) Just create the tag file under /WEB-INF/tags
    5) I’ve added the sample /WEB-INF/tags/footer.tag file to a very small demo project and I get the same errors so I will send you this complete project. (xpldemo)

    I’ve sent you a zip of all you asked for.


    #302376 Reply

    Thank you for the files. I shall get back to you soon

    #302506 Reply

    I have raised a PR with the dev team

    #317224 Reply


    Was this ever resolved?

    #317233 Reply



    You can see the fix for this issue in MyEclipse 9.0.1.

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