
JSP typing lag

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  • #213443 Reply



    I’m currently running ME 3.8.1 on top of E 3.0 and have noticed a considerable lag when typing within a JSP page.

    Specificially, when I am typing in the attribute value of an attribute:

    <html:text property="discountRate" size="10">

    In the above snippet, the lag occurs when I am typing in “discountRate”. I’m assuming that this has something to do with smart code completion, validation or outline-view update, but am not positive.

    What feature is causing this “lookup” and how do I turn it off?


    #213449 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Wht are your computer specs?

    We haven’t gotten a chance to optimize the snot out of the WTP editors yet, but its at the top of our TODO list. Basically our first pass made the editors work, our second pass (maybe for 3.9) will really go under the covers and start to optimize the parse trees, models, code completion, etc.

    #213450 Reply


    I’m working on a P4 2.00 GHz machine with 1 GB of RAM. I hope that this is enough to run Eclipse/MyEclipse at an optimum level.

    Also, for what it’s worth, my command line parameters for launching Eclipse are as follows:

    C:\eclipse3.0\eclipse.exe -clean -vmargs -Xmx512M

    Would the amount of memory allocated to the VM make a difference?

    #213454 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Hmmm your machine specs are plenty high and your memory is more than enough… how bad is this lag? Can it just be attributed to agressive parsing or are you sitting around waiting for keystrokes to get entered?

    We just got another quick fix out the door and IIRC our performance tuning of the WTP editors is going to start soon, so hopefully you will get some relief by 3.8.2, but until then I want you to be able to work and not be stuck with lagging editors…

    #213456 Reply


    @support-rkalla wrote:

    how bad is this lag? Can it just be attributed to agressive parsing or are you sitting around waiting for keystrokes to get entered?

    I would chaulk it up to “agressive parsing” and me just typing too damn fast 🙂

    @support-rkalla wrote:

    I want you to be able to work and not be stuck with lagging editors…

    Thanks… your concern is appreciated 🙂

    #213457 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I would chaulk it up to “agressive parsing” and me just typing too damn fast 🙂

    That would seem to be the case… you are replying to 3 separate threads while I’m trying to read them… you’re like The Flash, minus the suite and winged shoes!

    #228799 Reply


    I have noticed a general typing lag in a couple of our largest JSPs (around 80 KB in size, and around 1500 lines). It is quite noticeable when you are a fast typer. It is a general lag, and is not dependent on what you are typing in the JSP (ie. custom tags, normal JSP text, Java code). The amount of lag seems like it directly correlates with the size of the JSP. Turning off the “Analyze Annotations While Typing” option does not make any difference.

    I’m using MyEclipse 3.84+QF2-BetaFor3.1M6, along with Eclipse 3.1M6.


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