
Library Deployment Policies not honoured

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  • #293837 Reply


    I have several projects that are referenced by my web application. Each of those projects reference user libraries and I have set my library policy in my webapp to include Jars in the dependent projects. However, those jars never get deployed with my app.

    Am I missing something?

    #293838 Reply


    I never clued into the whole “exported” keyword. When I set my user library to be exported in my dependent project, my jars got included in the deployment.

    #293841 Reply


    I finally found the culprit to my problem. One of my dependent projects was marked as a web project. It seems that myEclipse does not export the compiled classes of a dependent web project. I had to remove the web capabilities and then my classes were deployed into my main webapp.

    Is this by design?

    #293956 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Is this by design?

    Yes. The dependent project should be a Java Project with the libraries.

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