
Matisse freezed on load of form

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  • #265383 Reply



    while developing a Swing Form with Matisse, i noticed that myeclipse was getting slower and slower.

    Since this afternoon, eclipse completely froze when i tried to load the .form file in the matisse-editor.
    i tried aroung with different versions of java (1.42 vs. 1.5), but had no success.

    I finally looked the file up in a text editor and i noticed that the form file had 8mb!

    This was due to some very large binary (ascii codes, in array form) RDAConnections (or something similar), which several JComboBox’es had as a <Property>. I then removed those properties, but now myeclipse does not load the form anymore.

    the message i got from within myeclipse is:
    The form file format is not recognized.
    The form cannot be opened.

    Please help me there, its really been a lot of work in this form and i do not want to do it all over again. The generated .java complement is still executing.

    Maybe there is a way to repair the .form-file? Or to reverse-engineer it from the .java file? That would be great, thanks.

    Best regards,


    #265386 Reply


    Oh i forgot:

    Im Using MyEclipe Enterprise Workbench 5.1.0 GA

    #265508 Reply


    Maybe the specs of that .form XML-Format are available? Then I could try to fix it by myself.


    #265700 Reply


    I would really appreciate an answer of yours, even if it was a “no it cant be done, sorry”. After all, I am a paying Owner of the Enterprise Version, although my account is not linked to the license.

    #265919 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am so sorry for missing this, can you export the project with this file in it and send it to us for testing? [email protected] ATTN Riyad and tell me which file has the problem and please include a link to this post for reference.

    #265962 Reply


    I did a complete rebuilt the form by hand in the meanwhile.

    Thanks anyway.

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