We initially created our project by using Flex scaffolding feature of ME4S 8.6.x and at that time ME4S was supporting JEE5 and JPA 1.x specification. With the new ME4S 9 release, now we tried with similar Flex 4 scaffolding. Although release notes says that new ME4S 9 is supporting JEE6 and JPA 2, once we checked out scaffolding artifacts, persistence.xml we realized that ME4S 9 is still generating JPA code for JPA 1.0 specification even though rest of the libraries upgraded for JEE6. So I am wondering if ME4S 9.x scaffolding will support JPA 2.x in the near future and also is there any way to manually upgrade JPA layer from 1.0 to 2.0 or any comment how to get around for that?