
Missing internal web browser ME 8.6 Linux Ubuntu 10.04.1 x64

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  • #311300 Reply

    I have setup new Linux x64 box. All is fresh and clean install, all set on defaults during Linux and MyEclipse install.

    Ubuntu 10.04.1 x64 bit.
    MyEclipse for Linux x64

    In preferences->general->web browser:

    Option to use Internal web browser is disabled. I need it.

    Please help !

    #311302 Reply

    Can you try using the -clean as mentioned in the link below –

    Let me know how that works for you.

    #311308 Reply

    Thanks, but this doesn’t help.

    On another Ubuntu x32 there is MyEclipse x32 that works ok.
    On this one Ubuntu x64 I have problem with ME x32 and x64 on Internal Browser.

    How strange.

    #311356 Reply

    I shall escalate this issue to the dev team member. They will get back to you on this

    #311508 Reply


    Any feedback on this?

    It happens regularly on all x64 linuxes that I tried… It would be easy to reproduce.

    Are there some preconditions regarding x64 install that differs ?

    #311517 Reply

    Brian Fernandes


    Sorry to hear you are having trouble with the browser. In our tests, even on Linux 64, the preference is enabled and the browser works just fine.

    Besides the preference though, what happens when you attempt to use the browser – does it not open at all? How are you attempting to open it?

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