
MyEclipse Hibernate tool vs. Hibernate Tools vs. Middlegen

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  • #240290 Reply


    This may not be the ideal forum to ask this, since the responses may be somewhat biased, but I’ll try anyway 🙂

    I need to generate Hibernate config files, mappings, and POJOs (preferably complete with XDoclet tags) from a fairly complex database schema in Informix (~200 tables). There are three tools I know that can do that (or some of that): MyEclipse Hibernate Support wizard, Hibernate project’s own Hibernate Tools, and MiddleGen. Has anyone tried all three? Which one is the “smartest” in terms of intelligently mapping composite keys, foregn keys, lookup tables, association tables, etc.? Also, which one is the most flexible?

    Any help will be greatly appreciated (especially since the alternative is writing all this stuff by hand 😉 )


    #240351 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Moving to OT > Soft dev

    Gene, why not just try all 3 against your DB and see what result looks the best? There is also Joe Hudson’s Hibernate Synchronizer plugin as well that you should try.

    #240369 Reply


    Thanks rkalla,

    I was just curious to see if someone has already done the comparison and could share their experiences. I’m sure I’m not the first person having to make this choice. 😉


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