
Myeclipse-weblogic8.1 connection error

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  • #229122 Reply


    Hi i tried to connect myeclipse with weblogic 8.1. I got error. the error is “the selected server is enabled, but not configured properly.please navigate the server preferences pages and verify the field with WLS JDK name.”
    Actually i forget the Admin Username and password when i gave weblogic installtion. should i give the same userid and password in myeclipse-weblogic 8.1 connection prefrences ?
    i checked the WLS JDK. It is j2re1.4.2_08. should it be JDK?

    please reply anyone how to configure properly myeclipse with weblogic 8.1. Any individual can mail me [email protected]

    This is urgent.
    Thaks in Advance

    #229137 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    i checked the WLS JDK. It is j2re1.4.2_08. should it be JDK?

    Yes exactly, it must be a JDK, not a JRE. Hit the “Add” button and configure a new JDK. Use the one under the WebLogic install.

    should i give the same userid and password in myeclipse-weblogic 8.1 connection prefrences ?

    Yes I believe these need to be the same.

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