I am doing an evaluation of Myeclipse for Spring 2014 now. I follow instruction of http://www.myeclipseide.com/documentation/quickstarts/scaffoldingtutorial/scaffolding.html to do everything up to do “Customize User Interface”, suppose this step will help user to pick the items will display in web page’s UI. But unfortunately, it is not work in mac version. By default every field will be brought over to next step.
Bug reproduce by: Mac version: 10.7.5, Myeclipse for spring 2014. JDK1.7, follow Myeclipse provide procedure to generate a scaffolding CRUD application from pre-defined DB table. When the step went to “Customize User Interface”, try to pick some fields display in UI for user to enter from UI. but the “Picker” tick box is not tickable.
I don’t know it is a proposed behave or some thing wrong.
Gurus. please update me.