
Problem deploying to Websphere

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  • #316885 Reply

    ronen malka

    During deploy to Websphere (7.0) I receive the following error:

    An internal error occurred during: “Redeploy”.

    D:\IBM\WebSphere7\AppServer\profiles\HSBC\installedApps\HSBC_CELL\GPPManage.ear\GPPBackEnd.jar is not a directory
    BackEnd.jar an EJB project in an enterprise project, the project appears as an jar file in the deployment.

    I am doing the deployment as follow:
    1) Export an EAR file.
    2) Install the EAR file using WAS console.
    3) In MyEclipse, deploying project to WAS.
    I am using MyEclipse 8.5

    #316910 Reply



    The steps to reproduce are not clear. Please elaborate each step and answer below queries –
    1. What is your OS and version? Please copy and paste your installation details, refer – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-how-to-view-the-installation-details/&highlight=
    2. You mention you have exported an EAR file from where(IDE)? where did you create the EAR file, to where did you export?
    3. Please attach screenshots to help get a visual. Refer – https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/troubleshooting-how-to-upload-attachments-on-forum/&highlight=
    4. Clear your .log file located at [your workspace dir]/.metadata/.log, replicate steps, attach .log file
    5. You mention install the EAR file using WAS console and in MyEclipse deploy project to WAS. Please clarify.

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