
Problem with getting some java files to compile.

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  • #289688 Reply


    I am generating code from a UML class diagram, using Acceleo in MyEclipse.

    The acceleo requirement seems to be that the source folder must be set in Eclipse to src/main/java. The project source is therefore set to this. (If it is not, there are many compiler errors)

    However when the acceleo code generators are executed, some of the generated .java files are not in this folder or below it. Therefore, even though ‘Build Automatically’ is on, these are not compiled into .class files.
    For instance, there are java files in src\fr\obeo\sample\ui\DefaultName\actions, which is not a subdirectory of src/main/java.

    Is there some way I can
    1. leave the project source set at src/main/java
    2. adjust a setting so that the ‘stray’ java files are compiled even though they are not in the src/main/java folder?

    Help will be appreciated.

    Mike King

    #289718 Reply

    Riyad Kalla


    Any source folder you setup will be build into the associated output (or single output dir). So if Acceleo is generating files elsewhere besdies the main source dir, just add that other dir as *another* source dir in your project, then you are all set.

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