
Problems when deploying a web service

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  • #281410 Reply


    Hey All,

    I have been working on a web service for the last few weeks and was happily running & testing it on the localhost.

    Alas- today was the time to deploy it to web and it is all troubles afterwards.

    I am using Myeclipse 6.0.1 and Tomcad 6.x.

    My problem is, whenever i run my service, i can truly see the WSDL if i type it on a browser. But, I was unable to even connect it from “Web Services Explorer”. And i receive those error messages :

    IWAB0379E Unable to open
    IWAB0135E An unexpected error has occurred.
    WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Connection refused: connect

    I don’t know if i am missing something. And i am complately unaware if there is any procedure which I have to follow when trying to run my server from internet. For now, i am just writing my ip instead of localhost and it works in browser and not in myeclipse.

    Thank you for any help!

    #281424 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Is there anything recorded under <workspace>/.metadata/.log file ?

    #281444 Reply


    Hey Nipun,

    No, there is no added logs in the log file but i solved the problem last night!

    For anyone who might face same scenario, here is what i did :-
    It was because of the proxy settings that needed to be done in order to be online.. I must have done the “network settings” under the Window/General/NetworkConnections like it is in any browser in use.

    I can run my project without problems now…

    Thank you.

    #281448 Reply

    Loyal Water

    Glad you got it to work, Thanks for letting us know.

    #305586 Reply


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