
Saving diagrams locks machine.

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  • #240194 Reply


    I edited my diagram(s) moved to a java class, changed it and then saved all (ctrl-shift-S).

    Eclipse stopped responding (according to Windows XP) and after about 5 minutes of that I killed the task. When I reloaded Eclipse the UMR won’t load.

    I have (er … had) about 10 class diagrams and one collaboration diagram in there. The changes mainly had to do with fixing the colors that got lost when I moved to version 4.0.2. But I did add one class and rearrange a few of the boxes and lines.

    There is a umr~ file and a umr# file. Neither will load the diagram. Is there any change of getting my diagram back?


    deeply depressed – Lee Meador


    #240226 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Please email your UMR and UMR~ file to [email protected] ATTN Kapil with a link to this thread as to why you are sending it. We will try and see if we can recover the file. We appologize for this.

    #240234 Reply


    Done. Let me know if you don’t get it soon.

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