- This topic has 3 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 6 months ago by
SvensMemberwhile trying to complete the simple bean tutorial ir get folowing errors
jboss log :
Depends On Me:
ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=ejb/SimplebeanHome,plugin=pool,service=EJB
state: CREATED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me:
ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=ejb/SimplebeanHome,service=EJB
state: FAILED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me: RuntimeMBeanException: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid authentication attempt, principal=null
Cause: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid authentication attempt, principal=nullMBEANS THAT ARE THE ROOT CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM:
ObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=ejb/SimplebeanHome,plugin=pool,service=EJB
state: CREATED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me:
ObjectName: jboss.jca:service=LocalTxCM,name=DefaultDS
I Depend On:
Depends On Me: jboss.mq:service=StateManager
jboss.mq:service=PersistenceManagerObjectName: jboss.j2ee:jndiName=ejb/SimplebeanHome,service=EJB
state: FAILED
I Depend On:
Depends On Me: RuntimeMBeanException: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid authentication attempt, principal=null
Cause: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid authentication attempt, principal=null
am trying the tutorial wit hsql db i think the problems is there:
hsqldb-ds.xml looks like this:
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!– The Hypersonic embedded database JCA connection factory config
$Id: hsqldb-ds.xml,v 2004/04/19 12:47:36 ejort Exp $ –>
<password></password><!– This mbean can be used when using in process persistent db –>
<mbean code=”org.jboss.jdbc.HypersonicDatabase”
<attribute name=”Database”>localDB</attribute>
<attribute name=”InProcessMode”>true</attribute>
jbosscmp-jdbc.xml looks like this:
<datasource-mapping>Hypersonic SQL</datasource-mapping>
To add beans that you have deployment descriptor info for, add
a file to your XDoclet merge directory called jbosscmp-jdbc-beans.xml
that contains the <entity></entity> markup for those beans.
<!– jboss 3.2 features –>
<!– optimistic locking does not express the exclusions needed –>
pls help tis is the 5 tutorial am trying on ejb this must work
Riyad KallaMemberSven,
I’ve asked someone to look at this.
GregMemberWhich tutorial are you using? If you have a link to it, post it here so we can get a better idea of what might be going wrong.
gyzhengMemberI would like to see a working example as well using Eclipse-MyEclipse-JBoss-HypersonicDatabase
I tried the tutorial from http://www.laliluna.de/tutorial/simpleEJB/xDoclet_jboss_first_EJB.html and got similar error as Sven.