
Spaces instead of tabs in typescript formatting.

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  • #679564 Reply


    There is incapatability betweeen the result of using Source->Format and what the typescript formatter expects.

    When using Source->Format, the indentation is done with tabs.
    BUT, on every line I get a notice (yellow lightbulb) that spaces should be used instead: ‘space indentation expected (indent)’.
    (I attached a small excerpt)

    It is annoying to have every line flagged.

    So how do I change the tabbing to be spaces, or how do I tell the typescript format checker that tabs are ok?

    Edward Blurock

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    #679568 Reply



    Sorry that you are seeing this issue. Thank you for the screenshot.
    You can add the below rule to the project’s tslint.json to turn off the related warnings :

       "rules": {    
         "indent": [

    Please also check this post for other suggestions : https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/space-indentation-expected-fix/
    Kindly note that CodeMix has already reached its end of life and no new releases or fixes will be made : https://www.genuitec.com/products/codemix/end-of-life-notice/
    MyEclipse 2021 is the alternative based on Language Server technology. If you are already licensed with CodeMix, then we can convert your license to work with MyEclipse at no additional cost.

    Hope this helps. Do let us know if you have any further questions.

    Genuitec Support

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