- This topic has 1 reply, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 4 months ago by
Glen Ihrig.
Glen IhrigMemberSpring DSL corrupts existing source – Demonstrated
I’m not sure that this exercise accurately reflects the issue of the DSL corrupting code as
discussed in these threads, but it seems to be a simple demonstration of what might be happening:9.1 Spring DSL trashes generated code
https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/9-1-spring-dsl-trashes-generated-code/&highlight=Unbelievably frustrating autogeneration!!
https://www.genuitec.com/forums/topic/unbelievably-frustrating-autogeneration/&highlight=The problem I have been experiencing is that at unexpected points in development my code is
corrupted, requiring unexpected ‘repair’ work. It’s become a significant distraction.Hopefully, the following will be helpful.
For the time being, I must simply abandon the Spring DSL. At times I get a lot of value from it …
I have attached the sample project in before and after states, plus the ME4S Installation Details.
The corrupt project file also contains a .log file.Any suggestions, encouragement, etc, would be greatly appreciated.
———1. Import project archive DWR-AJAX-002_code-complete_debugging_DWR.zip 2. Edit src/...service/CarsFacade.Java (recommend making a copy of this class for later comparison). 3. Rename CarsFacade.java to CarsFacadeImpl.java. Do not update references. 4. Select CarsFacadeImpl.java in project explorer, then - Execute Refactor > Extract Interface, - Name the new interface CarsFacade - Check all methods - OK 5. Add annotations to the CarsFacade class definition @Service("CarsFacade") @Transactional - Add the required imports - Save This last change resulted in a flurry of activity that left CarsFacadeImpl in a non-compilable state. 6. Results CarsFacade - Source was reverse engineered, CarsFacade now appears in Spring DSL - Comments in CarsFacade are all replaced with @ModelCoreReference ... or @ModelReference ... but otherwise the CarsFacade interface seems to be correct. CarsFacadeImpl - Javadoc comments at the class level are overwitten with @ModelCoreReference ... and @ModelReference ... - New methods are written with @ModelReference annotations and empty bodies. These are given @Transactional annotations. - The original methods are left in the code, with changes (causing compile errors). - Original Javadoc comments are replaced with 'non-Javadoc' comments including @ModelReference annotations. - @Override annotations are applied to the original methods. Spring DSL - A correct looking entry for CarsFacade has been added.
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Glen IhrigMemberAt least some of the confusion regarding comments is caused by (My?)Eclipse Refactor > Extract Interface. Existing comments in the original source class are _moved_ to the new Interface and reference comments to the interface are inserted in their place.