
Spring-IDE: import classpath resource doesn’t work

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  • #232573 Reply

    In a Spring beans XML file I have
    <import resource=”classpath:/at/vie/viemon/dao/hibernate/bean-config.xml”/>

    what works at runtime but the Spring IDE complains
    “invalid relative resource location ‘classpath:/at…'”.

    Is there any solution to this issue?

    #232612 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am checking on this Robert.

    #233216 Reply

    Hi Robert,

    this error is already fixed and documented in http://springide.org/project/ticket/90 .
    You need to install Spring IDE 1.2.1 or greater.


    [email protected]

    #233224 Reply

    Hi Christian!
    Thanks for the reply!
    OK, it is no problem for me to download and install the new version of Spring IDE.

    But I’ve installed MyEclipse as a whole package. When I start to download and install some plugins out of the package from another (original) site, then it may not be guaranteed that all works together, isn’t it? For example in the project properties there is an entry “MyEclipse-Spring”. I assume this is only in the version of Spring IDE that is bundled with MyEclispe.


    #233253 Reply

    Hi Robert,

    yes your are right. I can’t tell you if either MyEclipse or Spring IDE would work properly after installing Spring IDE 1.2.1 manually.

    I haven’t had the opportunity – my subscription has expired – to test the manual installation of Spring IDE’s plugins but if I were you I would just give it a try. Delete all org.springframework.* folder from your plugin directory and install Spring IDE using the updatesite. Please don’t try this procedure with your ‘productive’ Eclipse installation.

    Certainly all the enhancements made by the MyEclipse Team will not be available any more.



    [email protected]

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