
Swing/SWT visual editor? (once again)

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  • #246509 Reply


    I have seen a similar discussion many months ago in these forums, about integrating or not, a visual editor for Swing/SWT GUIs in MyEclipse.
    I would be greatly interested in something like that. What do you think?

    #246538 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    The VE project is a fairly easy drop-in to use along side MyEclipse right now (don’t install the extra EMF/GEF requirements from VE, it will break MyEclipse because we already ship them).

    But we are still evaluating a good position to put this functionality into. Hopefully the 1.2 release of VE will be a more appropriate release stage for us to look at on the Eclipse 3.2 platform to do something like this.

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