
Tomcat deployment, Build Path, Classpath

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  • #242656 Reply


    My application now requires many jar files to run (>60) Most of these are only needed at runtime. It seems that because they are all in the build path the smart code features can lock the system fo more than 30 secs (mostly in JSPs) while searching for a class.

    Is there a way to take them out of the build path but still have them evailable for runtime debugging. I moved them to the tomcat/shared/lib directory but when I launch tomcat within myEclipse I get NoClassDefFound for classes in these jars.



    #242659 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    My application now requires many jar files to run (>60) Most of these are only needed at runtime. It seems that because they are all in the build path the smart code features can lock the system fo more than 30 secs (mostly in JSPs) while searching for a class.

    You are quite right, this is the problem.

    Is there a way to take them out of the build path but still have them evailable for runtime debugging. I moved them to the tomcat/shared/lib directory but when I launch tomcat within myEclipse I get NoClassDefFound for classes in these jars.

    Leave them in your project (WebRoot/WEB-INF/lib), just manually remove them from your build path. Although the ones not in your Eclipse build path won’t be available for debugging. But unless you attached source to everything and are actively stepping into ALL the runtime dependencies, this shouldn’t be too much a problem.

    Also be sure to use the following command line arguments to help improve performance:
    -vmargs -Xms128M -Xmx512M -XX:PermSize=64M -XX:MaxPermSize=128M

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