
UMR file failed to open

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  • #235334 Reply


    I created UML Repository with 3 packages and couple of classes. I have 2 diagrams: Deployment and Class. After restarting Eclipse I am not able to open uml diagrams. It shows me some untitled diagram everytime. I have umr file if you want to inspect.[/b]

    #235338 Reply

    Kapil Kapre

    @TRADOS wrote:

    I created UML Repository with 3 packages and couple of classes. I have 2 diagrams: Deployment and Class. After restarting Eclipse I am not able to open uml diagrams. It shows me some untitled diagram everytime. I have umr file if you want to inspect.[/b]

    Can you email the UMR to [email protected]? We can try to recover it for you, and it will help us in fixing the issue. Also could you take a look at your <workspace-dir>\.metadata\.log file and post any exceptions inside it.


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