
UnsupportedClassVersionError – but my jre version is right

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  • #276377 Reply

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    #276390 Reply

    Loyal Water

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    #276393 Reply

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    #276402 Reply

    Loyal Water

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    #276417 Reply

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    #276450 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Pop open your project properties and go to Java Compiler, make sure it isn’t compiling Java 6 byte code, that’s most likely what is happening.

    NOTE: Eclipse has it’s own Java compiler in it, it doesn’t use the compiler from the JDK in your path.

    #276469 Reply

    under Preferences>>Java>>Compiler:

    JDK Compliance>>Compiler Compliance Level: 5.0

    There’s a checkbox: “User default compliance settings” — it is checked an dthe rest of the entry fields are greyed out. If I try to uncheck it, it reverts back to it’s checked state no matter what I do. Either way, it seems that the code is being compiled under 5.0 rules…

    Did I look at what you suggest?


    #276473 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Where is this error showing up when you try and run your app?

    How, exactly, are you running your class?

    Would it be possible to post a screenshot? (or PM it to me using the PM button under my post?)

    #276528 Reply

    I’m not really sure what you’re looking for. I am running an application via the run arrow button in the toolbar. The application kicks off a swing app. This all worked before. I see the exception in the console. I could send you a screenshot but I’m not sure what you want a shot of

    #276995 Reply

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