- This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 20 years, 5 months ago by
robinsinghMemberI have configured myEclipse with Weblogic application server 8.1 SP3
on windows XP professional(SP2) using Java[TM] 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition 1.3 SDK using
Eclipse Platform
Version: 3.0.0
Build id: 200406251208
jdk version(build 1.4.2_05-b04)When I first opened a simple form.html , the editor told me to resolve a microsoft office known issue by installing the HTMLsource editing feature
included in msoffice 2003 ;I did it and chose the option to “run it from my computer” as instructed.
Now i open the editor in the Design View ,it shows the form correctly on first sight.
But whenever i add any component say a radio button,the whole form disappears -for some reason.
Even IF i right click to see the form properties-press OK or cancel , the visual html form disappears.
THen I have to close the form.html eclipse view , then re-open it by double -clicking the form.html in the package explorer , the editor shows the visual form again correctly inthe design view.but then again the same problem occurs-I do any activity on the form , the whole form disappears.
(P.S the controls still remain visible in the editor , just the form disappers)Though the preview and source views are fine but switching on and away from them to the visual editor doesnt help .I have to close it ,reopen it to see it once and it disappears again.
I have done it now a couple of times, restarted Eclipse couple of times, same problem repeats.
Seems like the visual editor has some un-fixed bug in it.
kindly help if there’s some patch/fix available for this .
This is a known issue for the HTML designer with XP service pack 2. It has already been resolved and the fix is included in the soon to be released 3.8.2 version. Just wait a few more days and it will be working again. Thanks for the report.