
weblogic jsp debug

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  • #253425 Reply

    I know this has been asked before, but I have gone through the previous posts and nothing
    has worked yet.

    I tried to set up remote debugging from myeclipse to weblogic. At the time I was
    using eclipse 3.1 with myeclipse 4.0.4. I managed to get it set up but couldn’t get jsp debugging
    to work. I could stop/start weblogic from myeclipse, and debug servlets and pojo’s. I read over
    the support forum, but everything I tried didn’t work.

    This morning I uninstalled eclipse and myeclipse, and installed eclipse 3.1 (Build id: I20050627-1435)
    and myeclipse 3.9.210 (Build id: 20050627-4.0-Milestone-2). I am using sun jdk 1.4.0_01.
    Weblogic 8.1 (sp4) is installed on the same machine using sun jdk 1.4.2_05.

    I set up a new project called WLJSPDebugTest with one jsp and one servlet. Again, I can
    debug the servlet no problem, but cannot debug the jsp. The error I get is “Source not found”.
    The project is deployed to “C:\bea\mydomain\applications\WLJSPDebugTest”. The debug parameter
    is set to true in the weblogic.xml file and the source is on the ‘Source lookup path’ in myeclipse.

    Here are the general questions answered:

    – What operating system and version are you running?
    windows XP

    – What Eclipse version and build id are you using?
    3.1 (Build id: I20050627-1435)

    – Was Eclipse freshly installed for MyEclipse?

    – If not, was it upgraded to its current version using the update manager?

    – Are any other external plugins installed?

    – How many plugins in the <eclipse>/plugins directory
    are like org.eclipse.pde.*

    – What MyEclipse version are you using?
    4.0. (Build id: 20050627-4.0-Milestone-2)

    – What JDK version are you using to run Eclipse?

    – What JDK version are you using to launch your application server?

    – What steps did you take that resulted in the issue?
    Tried to debug weblogic jsp

    – What application server are you using?
    weblogic 8.1 (sp4)

    – Are there any exceptions in the Eclipse log file?

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    #253462 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Replied to user in PM

    #255700 Reply

    Hey Riyad
    Its Nand here. I am manager here and responsible for software purchase done here in the company including this.
    People here tried to get things working based on your suggestion with new version, but the problem is what Sujoy has posted in the past.

    Now the issue is this problem is making this software least preffered in the company. Nobody wants to use this, as it is not addressing the real problem of jsp debugging (with old setup), and with new setup people are not able to start weblogic itself. I hope some one will seriously think of taking this issue seriously to resolve the problem.

    #255712 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    I am the rest of the support team is more than happy to work with you to solve the issue, but you haven’t given us much of a chance. I replied once to the original poster, didn’t hear anything back and now saw your reply a month later. If there are still issues we *want* to work with your team to resolve them wether they are setup issues or bugs on our end we need to resolve.

    Ultimately it’s important for any development team to have the right tool. If you and your team decide to stay with MyEclipse let me know, and we can start at step one for getting JSP debugging working.

    #255718 Reply

    Thanks Riyad,
    Is it possible for you to connect my (or some of my colleague’s) machine remotely, so that I can show you the problem.


    #255732 Reply

    Riyad Kalla

    Sure, this would be fine. Let’s follow up using ether PM or the [email protected] email address (just use ATTN Riyad to denote emails for me).

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