- This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 2 months ago by
Satish Kamatkar.
I have read in other topic that the jsp editor is the same of first release of wtp project, now the wtp jsp editor is better then the myeclipse version.(very bad syntax highlight and formatting)
When myecplise will use this new version of the editor?
I think it’s very important for a lot of programmers!Best regards,
arjan.tijmsMemberI think this is very important too. For me, and probably for a lot of other users, JSP is still at the centre of JSP development. I still can’t understand that you’ve been shipping a more or less defective part with your product for such a long time (about 1.5 year now!). If the part in question was some extra, nice-to-have but not essential part, I could understand the delay. E.g. if the bugzilla functionality was broken it might not justify the expense of putting a lot of resources on it. But I like I said, for a J2EE feature, the JSP editor is at the very centre of things.
I understand that WTP takes forever and that you guys depend on their output. On the other hand, if WTP is so important to you, why don’t just lend them a hand? Obviously, the MyEclipse team has first hand experience with both JSP editors in general (you made your own earlier) and specifically the WTP code base (since you base your current editor on a “heavily modified” 0.7 WTP version).
Such an action (if organisational possible of course) will benifit everyone. WTP will be earlier done, therefor you can use it earlier, and both the WTP community and the MyEclipse community will be happy which ultimately should make you guys happy 🙂
arjan.tijmsMember( “JSP is still at the centre of JSP development” should be “JSP is still at the centre of J2EE development.”)
Satish KamatkarMemberI am losing battles here at my workplace where I keep campagining about myeclipse over IntelliJ Idea. However seems like with every release of Myeclipse, I do not see any improvements in the JSP editor. Very annoying.
I am using Eclipse 3.1.1 and Myeclipse 4.1 M1 build. And yes, as suggested I am using following command line options to invoke myeclipse.
-vmargs -Duser.language=en -Xms512M -Xmx1024M -XX:PermSize=128M -XX:MaxPermSize=256M
I use JSPX
Cannot do copy and paste using CTL+C and CTL+V
I still see all my JSP pages as ocean of yellow underlines. Here is a sample file:
<view type=”contentPage” xmlns=”http://schemas.xyz.com/2002/view”
<jsp:output omit-xml-declaration=”true”/>
<c:set var=”rows” value=”${requestScope.serviceResponse.regularExpressionCaption}”/>
<c:set var=”capitalcosts” value=”${requestScope.serviceResponse.totalCostOfCapital}”/>
<c:set var=”sysoptions” value=”${requestScope.serviceResponse.systemOptions}”/>
<i18n:title value=”System Options”/>
<action id=”submit” type=”button_submit” actionId=”pqr.systemOptionsAction”>
<i18n:label value=”Save”/>
<section type=”attributes”>
<i18n:title value=”Session Options”/>
<cell id=”badLoginLimit” type=”text” width=”2″ required=”true” maxDataSize=”2″>
<i18n:label value=”Invalid Login Limit”/>
<i18n:hint value=”To enable, enter a number other than zero.”/>
<data value=”${sysoptions.SEC_BAD_LOGIN_LIMIT}”/>
<cell id=”sessionExpires” type=”text” width=”3″ required=”true” maxDataSize=”3″>
<i18n:label value=”Minutes Of Inactivity Until Logout”/>
<i18n:hint value=”To enable a session expiration, enter a number other than zero.”/>
<data id=”sessionExpiration” value=”${sysoptions.SEC_SESSION_EXPIRATION}”/>